

英语口语学习:真正的日常口语 11


You shouldn't be doing this! 你不应该这样!你不该如此!

This is a kid stuff.这是儿戏

You pissed me off! 你把我惹毛了!

That pisses me off! 那使我很火大!

You're such a mess! 你真狼狈!

You look like shit! 你真狼狈!

Oh, tell me about it! 这还用你说!

You know something? 你知道吗?我告诉你呀...

Tell you what...我告诉你呀...

Who do you think you're talking to? 你以为自己在对谁说话?

You're shitting me! 你骗我!

Don't get involved.不要介入

Her figure is out of shape.她的身材走样了

Let me take you out this evening.我今晚请她出去

On a date? 约会吗?

I'm easy, but not that easy.我很随和,可不是随便

Meaning? 什么意思?

So what's stopping you? 那什么事让条你裹足不前?

How graphic! 真生动

I'm under cover.我是卧底人员

Sorry, I'm taking so long.抱歉,我耽误太久了

You're in deep shit this time! 你麻烦大了!

Are you in trouble? 你遇上麻烦了吗?

He is in big trouble now! 他现在麻烦大

She's a chattering box.她是个话匣子

It's out of order.坏了,故障了

How does it go? 进行得如何?

Good job, Mike.麦克,干得好;表现很好

Any idea who it might be? 知道是谁(做的)吗?

We'll track him down.我们会逮到他的

Suit me! 去告我吧!

May I be excused? 我可以先告退吗?

My bad, alright? 算我的错好吗?

Who's gonna blame? 该怪谁呢?

Think about the bright side.事情要看光明面

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