

英语口语学习:真正的日常口语 10


She's a real pro.她是个好手,她是专家

They're coming for you! 他们马上就来找(抓)你了!

This is a cop thing.这是警察的事

That's a Jimmy thing.吉米才会干那种事,那是吉米的作风

How's that?如何?怎么会呢?

He is a good man.他是个好人

Good my ass! 好个屁!

None of your God damned business! 没你的事!关你屁事!

It pays to visit Paris.巴黎值得一游

It's paid off.很值得

I don't get it.我不懂

He's a real ass!他是个混蛋球

OK, sure thing.好啊,当然可以

Let me guess.让我猜猜看

She has a future in movies.她在电影圈有前途

I got to make sure my career is going somewhere.我必须确定我的事业有前景

No, you're going nowhere.不,你不会有前途的

May I ask who's calling? (电话)请问您是哪一位?

I didn't mean any offense.我无意冒犯

We'll get him.我们会逮到他的

Your dinner's getting cold.你的晚餐快凉了

Whatever got to be, got to be.该来的就会来

I have the access.我有管道

It's not gonna be easy.事情是不轻松

You just got to try.你得试试

Just a sec.等会儿

There you go! 好啦!你说得对!对啦!

Nothing really changed.情况没什么改变

You just stick close by, OK? 你紧跟着,好吗?

I want to stick around for a while.我想混一会儿

He is hooking on the net all day long! 他整天挂在网络上

Make your move now! 动手吧

He's taking odd jobs.他打零工

Stay out of trouble! 不要惹麻烦

What are you up to? 你想干嘛?

You've gotta come up with a new idea.你必须想个新点子

He came up with a strange question! 他问了一个怪问题

I'm in.我加入

You're imagining things! 你胡思乱想

He's got a record.他有前科

Don't be so hard on yourself.你不要对自己太苛

Book him down.把他带走

Whatever it takes! =I don't care what it takes.我不在乎花什么代价

She volunteered me.她替我主张

I'll turn you in.我会检举你

That's not a Jack move.那不是杰克的作风

You have a minute? 你有空吗?

You got a minute? 你有空吗?

It's junk! 这是烂东西

Just let it go.忘了这件事吧!

Are you nuts?!你疯了!

I can't break a hundred-dollar bill.一佰元我找不开

You've got to be there! 你一定要去!

You guessed right! 你猜对了!

Don't be a stranger.不要见外

Things will change.情况会改变的

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