

英语口语学习:真正的日常口语 9


Don't anyone run off.别走开

Bicycling isn't my thing.骑脚踏车我不拿手

You're toasted.你死定了

What's the story? 怎么回事

I can't take it anymore.我再也受不了了

She's a psychic.她是灵媒

He's a psycho (sicko).他是个变态

Let me buy you dinner.我请妳吃饭

You're a terrific storyteller.你是个说故事的能手

He's out of love.他失恋了

For real? 玩真的?当真?

For real.真的

Show time! 开始啰!上场啰!

Party time! 开始啰!

Let's party! 现在开始吧!

I'd like to make an exception.我可以破例

What a spare tire you've got!你肚子好肥喔!

You've got spare tires.你浑身赘肉

Get a little stretch.活动活动手脚

Wait up! 等等!

How are you doing? 你还好吗?

Fine, fine, never better! 好,好得很(再好不过了)!

We don't yet know.我们还不知道

We don't bother to protest.我们不想抗议

We don't bother to vote.我们不想投票

Don't get it wrong! 别会错意

He's clean.他没带武器,他是清白的

On what grounds? 什么理由?

I could, but I wouldn't.我可以做到,我只是不做而己

It's out of the question!不行!

Don't hang up.不要挂断

Keep away! Go away! 走开!

Don't break the date! 不要失约喔!

Just speak it out! 说出来吧!

I'm still very pro-black.我还是非常支持黑人

That doesn't mean to say she likes you.那不表示她喜欢你

Morning, little小甜饼.早安,小毛

Hi, pumpkin! 嗨,小毛!

Hi, ace! 嗨,小毛!

Hi, sweetie! 嗨,小甜心!

Hi, champ! 嗨,小毛!

He did a real good job.他真的做得很好

He's such a kidder! 他真会开玩笑

So you had a rough (hard) time?!你日子很难过吧?

Thank you for your time.谢谢你花那么多时间(听我吐苦水),谢谢你的接待

I'll be right with you.我马上回来

How forgetful of me.我太健忘了

You have a short memory! 你太健忘了

How is it going? 进行得怎么样?

I can't complain! 太好了!

Good hunting! 祝好收获

So I heard.我听说了

Beer's on me, kids.兄弟们,我请喝啤酒

Put him away for a while. 把他关起来一阵子

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