

Chinese cabbage is also known as "bok choy" or "brassica pekinensis" in the west. Because it is sown after the autumn corn harvest and harvested in early winter, has a high yield and is relatively easy to take care of, only requiring some space for storage, Chinese cabbage in season is very inexpensive.

China's laobaixing ("common people") have a special affection for the Chinese cabbage, particularly northerners. During times of economic hardship, when it was the only vegetableavailable in the winter, a single family might store one hundred pounds of Chinese cabbage in order to pass the winter. As a result, many cooking methods for Chinese cabbage have emerged over time: mixed, stewed, stir-fried and pickled, to name but a few. Once the outer leaves have dried they insulate the rest of the cabbage, meaning that the vegetable can be safely kept outdoors throughout winter.

However, with rising living standards and the development of greenhouse technology, today Chinese cabbage is supplied to markets all year round. The Chinese cabbage has gone from a household vegetable that was stored away in the winter to one which can be consumed all year round. Consumption habits have also changed – with the fear of not having enough to eat in winter gone. The cabbage is now just a vegetable to be enjoyed. Today, only the older generation still retains an affection for the past habit of storing cabbages during winter.


