

BBQ by the Street


As summer comes, streets are pervaded with savory smell of various snacks, among which nothing is more popular than the barbecue on charcoal fire. When the sun sets and the night falls, stalls light up the lamps and burns the charcoal — everything is prepared: tables and chairs are arranged outside by the street and draught beers are also ready.

       当你约上三五好友来到烧烤摊前,各种各样生的食材都摆在白色的盒子里任你挑选。手里端着一个不锈钢大盘子,就可以去挑选你喜欢吃的的食材了。如果你喜欢吃肉类,有凤爪、鸡头、翅中、脆骨 、排骨串、羊肉串、羊腿、蹄筋等;如果你喜欢吃海鲜,就有鲶鱼、生蚝、多春鱼、虾、鱿鱼等;如果你喜欢吃蔬菜,就有茄子、豆角、蘑菇、韭菜、海带等,供你选择......真可谓琳琅满目、花样繁多。

You can invite several friends to enjoy the barbecue. Foods of all and sundry are put in front of you in white plastic boxes. With a stainless steel plate in hand, you can choose whatever you like. There is a great supply of meat — chicken feet, chicken wings, gristles, spare-ribs, lamb kebabs, lamb legs, and tendons. If you prefer seafood, you can choose catfish, oysters, capelins, shrimps, and squids, etc. There are also various kinds of vegetables available, such as eggplants, green beans, mushrooms, leeks, seaweeds and others. It is really a dazzling array of food materials.


If you have chosen the foods you like, you can pass them to the stall owner and then wait with patience. While waiting you can have some boiled peanuts and green soybeans and watch the stall owner roasting your foods. He firstly lines the sticks on the grill, and uses a fan to keep the charcoal burning, and uses the other hand to turn the materials from side to side. In the process he also has to spray different sauces and seasonings onto the foods, only in which way can the barbecue become excellent to taste and pleasant in color and smell. The barbecue is not greasy and people can't get enough of it.


The completed barbecue shines with a golden color and the aroma is already floating in the air. The kabobs are crispy, with flavors spreading in the mouth with every bite. Imagine how yummy they will be if you company it with a big glass of cool beer!


Barbecue is cheap so most people can afford it; it is also very delicious so high earners are also attracted. That's why it has a large consumer group. It can be seen as an enjoyment shared with relatives, friends, and colleagues in the spare time because it can provide an opportunity for people to interact and relax. People can refresh their friendship and enjoy foods at the same time. BBQ by the street is really a unique summer scene in China.

