

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Kat! 杨琳,赶快告诉大家咱们今天要学些什么!

A: 好! 今天,咱们要接着去看看电子产品的发展走势,听听人们都有怎样的固有观念,学学怎么面对棘手的问题,还要告诉大家怎么用美语说"人气"!

B: 人气!? 提到这个我就想到了那个Mike隋,现在他好火呀!

A: 哈哈,回头咱们也录一集,说不定也火了! 不过现在,咱们先赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word: bearing

今天我们要学的词是bearing. Bearing is spelled b-e-a-r-i-n-g, bearing. Bearing 意思是关系,意义。我们常用 to have bearing on something 意思就是同某事有关系,对某事有影响。The decision had much bearing on the way the company was run. 这个决定对公司的管理运营有很大影响。His private life has no bearing on his competence as a manager. 他的私生活同他作为经理的工作能力无关。美国总统奥巴马最近公开支持同性婚姻,一项民调发现,Sixty percent of Americans say Obama's new position on same-sex marriage will have no bearing on how they vote in the November election.百分之六十的美国人表示,奥巴马在同性婚姻问题上的新立场并不会影响他们在11月总统大选中把票投给谁。好的,今天我们学习的词是bearing, bearing, bearing.

B: 杨琳,look at my new bag! Isn't it awesome?

A: OMG!!! LV???!!!我的天啊,好看是好看,可是你怎么买得起这么贵的包包呢?

B: Well, my salary has no bearing on what I'm gonna buy. That's what credit cards were made for, right?? 女生嘛,就得自己疼自己!

A: 这也对....可是一个LV包包都能顶上我一个月的房租了!!! Kat, I think you are going to have to come to grips with how much you can actually afford to spend on stuff like that...

B: Hmm... I will leave that question to future Kat, ha! But more importantly, you just mentioned a really good phrase: come to grips with, 咱们一起来听听这个短语的用法!

Words and Idioms

现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 964讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Steve Baragona.


M: Come to grips with. Come is spelled c-o-m-e, and grips; g-r-i-p-s. Come-to-grips-with.

女:Grip 本身是抓,掌握的意思; come to grips with, 意思就是去面对,着手处理。就像上面的例子里,我外甥不愿意继承父业,一心要当软件工程师,我姐夫虽然失望,但最后还是肯于面对事实。He has come to grips with my nephew's decision not to take over the family business. 2001年9月11号的恐怖袭击是美国历史上的一件大事,下面我们来听听历史学家对这起事件的看法:

M: "On September 11, 2001, four U.S. planes were overtaken by terrorists. Their dramatic crashes resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people. In some ways, Americans have COME TO GRIPS with how that day changed the country forever. But it remains a difficult experience for many to deal with."

这段话意思是说:[2011年9月11日,三架美国飞机遭到恐怖份子的劫持。这次袭击造成近3千人死亡。从某些方面看,美国人已经开始面对那天发生的一切彻底改变了国家这一事实。但对很多人来说,这段经历还是很难承受的。 ]

是啊!尤其是对那些在911恐怖袭击事件中失去亲人的人来说,这段经历一定不堪回首。我记得上高中时,养了十几年的猫死了,I had a hard time coming to grips with the loss of my cat. 我难过了好长时间,才能面对这个事实。好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "On September 11, 2001, four U.S. planes were overtaken by terrorists. Their dramatic crashes resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people. In some ways, Americans have COME TO GRIPS with how that day changed the country forever. But it remains a difficult experience for many to deal with."

女: 我朋友Amy最近刚离婚。She still hasn't come to grips with the fact that her ex would leave her for a younger woman. 她到现在还无法接受前夫为了一个比她年轻的女人而离她而去的现实。美国是个大熔炉,如何面对种族歧视是一个重要问题。下面的这个例子里讲到了一个叫George的人,我们来听听他的想法发生了怎么样的转变:

M: "George had always held a low opinion of immigrants. One day he was driving to work when a truck hit his car and knocked him unconscious. He awoke to find that he'd been rescued by a woman who'd grown up in Mexico. That's when he CAME TO GRIPS WITH his prejudice. It was time to face his dislike of people he didn't really know."



M: "George had always held a low opinion of immigrants. One day he was driving to work when a truck hit his car and knocked him unconscious. He awoke to find that he'd been rescued by a woman who'd grown up in Mexico. That's when he CAME TO GRIPS WITH his prejudice. It was time to face his dislike of people he didn't really know."

今天我们学习的习惯用语是come to grips with ,意思是"正视面对"。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Steve Baragona。谢谢各位的收听。

A: That's exactly my point Kat. 我看你老买这些高级货,I think you need to watch your spending habits girl! 你说要是每个月都月光,到时候万一有个急用的时候你怎么办呀?

B: 杨琳,冷静,冷静点!! I will be fine! Anyways, you've got this backward. I just need to find a high-paying job to match my spending habits! There's no way I'm willing to give up the love of my life...LV....

A: 哎哟,那我可真无语了....算了,刚才你提到冷静,下面咱们就来学学这个词用美语怎么说!

Donny 在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是Jimmy要问的:别慌。

Jimmy: Donny, 大事不好了!

Donny: What happened, Jimmy? You look terrible!

Jimmy: 两小时后....我要和女朋友约会,她刚提醒我,今天是我们认识一周年纪念日,还给我准备了礼物。But I totally forgot! 怎么办?她肯定会生气,会骂我,会分手,还会......

Donny: Hey! Hey! Don't have a cow!

Jimmy: 啊?你说什么?cow? cow 不是奶牛么?

Donny: What I meant is-- you need to calm down. "Don't have a cow" 也就是中文里说的不要慌张。

Jimmy: 哦,让别人冷静,别慌,就说 Don't have a cow! 哎?还有别的说法么?我记得有个词叫 chill, c-h-i-l-l?

Donny: Yes! You can say chill out. It means calm down, or "don't panic".

Jimmy: 啊! 要是我今晚跟女朋友坦白讲:我就是忘了咱俩认识一周年这回事了,你能把我怎么样?她肯定会抓狂。然后我就说:Honey! Chill out!

Donny: 呃....I think you better say "Honey, I'm really sorry. How can I make up to you?"

Jimmy: 呵呵,我开玩笑的。

Donny: Oh, speaking of the word "chill", you can also say "take a chill

pill". It's another way of saying "calm down".

Jimmy: Take a chill pill. Pill, p-i-l-l, pill是"药丸"的意思,所以, take a chill pill字面意思就是"吃个冷静药丸",就是叫人别激动,别慌。

Donny: You got it. So what are you going to do for tonight's date?

Jimmy: 还能怎么办,抓紧这两小时,赶紧去买礼物呗! 走啦!

Donny: Before you go, tell me what you've learned today!

Jimmy: 今天学了让人别慌的三种说法。第一,Don't have a cow;

第二,Chill out;

第三:Take a chill pill.

这次的"美语怎么说"就到这里结束了。如果你也有不会说的词,请写信给 Donny, 电邮请寄meiyu@voanews.com

B: See 杨琳,you really just need to take a chill pill. It's obvious that with skills like mine, it won't be long before I will be so famous that I will be able to afford all the luxury goods I want!

A: 你可真不像一般的美国人。There's a stereotype that Americans don't really care about luxury brands. 你说大街上大家不都穿T-shirt和牛仔裤么!

B: You forget- I'm not "everyone." I'm a unique and beautiful flower! 哈哈哈,开个玩笑! 我个人可不喜欢这些刻板印象,不过in today's Go English, we'll take a look at different stereotypes from around the world!

A: Let's listen!

Culture: Intermediate


Jane 和Will初次约会,聊到彼此的家庭背景。我知道Jane 的父母来自中国,所以我很想听听,作为一个亚裔美国人,Jane的成长经历是什么样的。

Professor: That's right, Winnie, let's listen to what they have to say.

Will: So Jane, you said that both your parents are from China. How do they like living in America?

Jane: They really like it, but of course they miss their friends and family back home sometimes.

Will: Yeah, I can imagine. So do you consider yourself Chinese or American?

Jane: Well, that's a complicated question. Of course I'm American, but I'm ethnically Chinese as well.

Will: I see. So you consider yourself both?

Jane: That's right.

Will总是问一些严肃的问题! 他问Jane,觉得自己是中国人还是美国人。Jane回答说,自己既是中国人,也是美国人。

Professor: Right. Jane is an American citizen, but she is also ethnically Chinese.

Ethnically? 我明白了,ethnic是民族的意思.

Professor: Exactly. For example, I could say that Hispanics are one of the largest ethnic groups in America.


Professor, 拉美裔人,是美国人口最多的少数族裔之一?那么,亚裔人口又怎么样呢?

Professor: Asians make up about 4.5 percent of the American population.

Will: Did you face a lot of stereotypes growing up?

Jane: Of course, all minorities face some stereotypes. For me, lots of people assume that because I'm Asian, I'm smart and good at math.

