

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,赶快来告诉大家今天都要学什么?

A: 没问题! 今天,咱们要来去体验一下野外露营,聊聊学外语有什么窍门,还要告诉你怎么说新一代!

B: Leaning a foreign language? You know I'm the expert on this right...
A: 又臭美! 不过我觉得啊,学外语就得大胆说, 不怕错才行!!

B: Yeah I definitely agree with that. Also it's helps a lot immerse yourself in the language environment, that way you will be forced to think and use that language! That's why I went to China three times!

A:没错! 咱们现在就来浸泡式学习! 赶快进入第一个单元,Learn a word!

Learn A Word1555 next-generation

今天我们要学的词是 next-generation. next-generation is spelled n-e-x-t, next, and g-e-n-e-r-a-t-i-o-n, generation, generation. Next-generation 下一代的,新一代的。Possible images of the next-generation iPhone keep popping up online. 网络上不断出现可能是新一代苹果手机的图片。Intel is committing $4.1 billion to the research of next-generation chip technology. 因特尔公司保证投入41亿美元,用于新一代芯片技术的研究。Toyota will debut the next-generation of their Lexus LS full-sized luxury sedan on July 30th. 丰田汽车公司将在7月30号首次展示他们的雷克萨斯LS豪华轿车。
好的,今天我们学习的词是 next-generation, next-generation, next-generation...

A: Speaking of next-generation, did you hear that i-Phone 5 is going to come out this year? I CAN'T wait!!!

B: Yeah definitely! Not only will Apple roll out the i-phone 5, but they are also set to release iPad 3 and iPad Mini. So excited to see them!

A: 对呀! 不过这么一来,咱俩的iPhone 4岂不是就成得变成过时没人要的东西了?

B: Yeah, I think that would mean that the iPhone 4 is going to fall by the wayside. Some expertactually say now is the best time to get rid of your old iPhone since their prices are still high.

A: 对对对,我看咱俩就得赶快干这事! 不过你刚才提到了一个很好的词儿,fall by the wayside, 我们赶快来学学这个习惯用语的用法!

Words and Idioms 980

美国习惯用语第 980讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是Dan Markus.


M: Fall by the wayside. Fall is spelled f-a-l-l, and wayside; w-a-y-s-i-d-e. Fall-by-the-wayside. Fall by the way side.

Wayside 意思是路边,fall by the wayside 整个词组跟道路其实没什么关系,它的意思是终止,不在继续下去了。就像上面的例子中,智能手机用户越来越依赖于手机的其他功能,而用打电话的功能的人反而越来越少了。The population of folks talking on a phone appears to FALL BY THE WAYSIDE more and more. 下面例子里的这个人从小就想当建筑师,他能不能从事自己理想的职业呢?我们来听一听:

M: "From the time I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming an architect. But my school counselor informed me that the unemployment rate for that choice is quite high. That explains why interest in architecture has FALLEN BY THE WAYSIDE. Maybe I should be investing in a more successful career like nursing or teaching."

这段话是说:[我从小就梦想做一名建筑师。但是学校的指导老师告诉我,建筑师行业的失业率特别高。这就解释了为什么现在想当建筑师的学生越来越少。或许我应当选择一个更有前途的职业,比如护士或者教师。 ]

为现实被迫放弃自己的梦想真是无奈。我的一个邻居就面临特别现实的问题。她是一名图形艺术家,可是随着电脑技术的发展,普通人只要使用电脑技术就能绘制各种图形,她也就很难找到工作了。Consumers' need for her products and services FELL BY THE WAYSIDE. 她所提供的产品和服务,对消费者来说已经越来越没有吸引力了。好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "From the time I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming an architect. But my school counselor informed me that the unemployment rate for that choice is quite high. That explains why interest in architecture has FALLEN BY THE WAYSIDE. Maybe I should be investing in a more successful career like nursing or teaching."

上面我们讲到fall by the wayside有停止的意思。在下面的例子中,一名餐厅老板要谈谈扩建餐厅的计划,让我们来听听看:

M: " No one expected our top chef to leave. After all, the popularity of her dishes was the reason why we had decided to open another restaurant. Despite her departure, we're determined to go ahead with our plans. We aren't going to allow them to FALL BY THE WAYSIDE. "


这种态度很积极正面,肯定会帮助餐馆老板成功的。话说,我最近有个朋友失恋了,他的态度特别悲观,对所有事情都失去了兴趣。As a result, his sales number are FALLING BY THE WAYSIDE. 他的销售业绩大幅下降。其实想开了,没有什么过不去的坎儿。好的,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: " No one expected our top chef to leave. After all, the popularity of her dishes was the reason why we had decided to open another restaurant. Despite her departure, we're determined to go ahead with our plans. We aren't going to allow them to FALL BY THE WAYSIDE. "

今天我们学习的习惯用语是fall by the wayside,意思是停止,不再继续下去。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是Dan Markus。谢谢各位的收听。

B: You know what, this episode reminds me of when I was hiking with my dad one time....

A : 嗯? 什么意思?

B: So when I was twelve I had gone hiking with my dad in colorado. While we were resting, I forgot our tent by the wayside....I didn't realized it until we were already two hours away....

A: Oh gosh... 我要是你爸,肯定恨死你了!

B: Haha, yeah, pretty much ....We spent another two hours going back to search for the tent, and my punishment was no dinner for the night!

A: 哈哈,对于你这么爱吃的人,不让你吃真是对你最大的惩罚!
在今天的Go English里,Daphne就和Roger正在露营,咱们去看看胆小的Roger 咱们一起去听听吧!

Hiking: Intermediate



Professor: That's right, Winnie. You know, being out in the woods at night can be pretty scary if you're used to city life.

Daphne: Isn't it great being out in nature, Roger? I love breathing the fresh air and exercising.

Roger: Sure .... I guess it's not so bad. Daphne, you don't think there are bears in these woods, do you?

Daphne: Of course there are! But don't worry, bears are pretty shy and won't hurt us. They only want to eat our food.

Roger: But Daphne, what if the bears think that I am food?

Daphne: Don't worry, Roger, I know wilderness first aid.


Professor: That's right, Winnie. What does Daphne say to make him feel better?

Daphne安慰Roger,说自己会wilderness first aid - 野外急救!

Professor: Winnie, somehow I wouldn't be very comforted by that if I were Roger!

Daphne: I know, Roger. We can tell ghost stories to take your mind off the bears.

Roger: Ghost stories? I don't know. It's already pretty scary being out here in the dark.

Daphne: Oh Roger, there is nothing to be afraid of out here! You're not scared of the dark, are you?

Roger: Of course I'm not afraid of the dark. What I'm afraid of are all the things that are hiding out there in the dark!

Roger 在山里过夜本来就紧张,他才不会想听什么ghost stories--鬼故事呢! 对了,professor, Daphne说,讲故事可以 take Roger's mind off the bears, 这是什么意思呢?

Professor: When you take your mind off something, that means you stop thinking about it. For example, "After studying really hard for three days, I went to the movies to take my mind off the exam for a couple hours."

哦,take your mind off something,就是暂时不去想某件事。Daphne想通过讲故事来转移Roger的注意力,这样,Roger就不会总想着自己会被熊吃掉了!

Daphne: OK, I'll tell the first story. You know, some people say these woods are haunted and ......

Roger: What?? They're haunted? Daphne, why have you taken me to these haunted woods? We have to get out of here, fast.

Daphne: Roger! Calm down. It's just a story. The woods aren't really haunted.

Roger: Are you sure there aren't any ghosts? I keep hearing really strange noises out in the dark!

Daphne: Of course there's no such thing as ghosts. It's probably just some hungry bears.

Roger: Ah!

