


第二十节 上行下效篇

第二十节 上行下效篇  

第十章 (右传之十章,释治国平天下)


What is meant by "The making the whole kingdom peaceful and happy depends on the government of his state," this:-When the sovereign behaves to his aged, as the aged should be behaved to, the people become final; when the sovereign behaves to his elders, as the elders should be behaved to, the people learn brotherlysubmission; when the sovereign treats compassionately the young and helpless, the people do the same. Thus the ruler has a principle with which, as with a measuring square, he may regulate his conduct.


What a man dislikes in his superiors, let him not display in the treatment of his inferiors; what he dislikes in inferiors, let him not display in the service of his superiors; what he hates in those who are before him, let him not therewith precede those who are behind him; what he hates in those who are behind him, let him not bestow on the left; what he hates to receive on the left, let him not bestow on the right:-this is what is called "The principle with which, as with a measuring square, to regulate one's conduct."






老老- 尊敬老人。

长长- 音,掌掌。尊重长辈。

恤孤- 体恤,周济孤儿。

倍- 通"背",背弃。

絜矩之道- 絜:音,协。絜,量度。矩,制作方形物件的工具。(絜矩之道:儒家伦理思想之一。指君子的一言一行要有示范作用。)


我国西周、东周时期(约公元前11世纪- 前256年)实行诸侯国分封建国制,即:封建制;天子居首都中央,而管理各诸侯国。所以,要想平定天下,首先要治理好各诸侯国。这个道理是为什么呢?因为天子在上,若能身体力行地去尊敬老人,那么整个诸侯国都会上行下效而大行"孝"道;若天子能带头尊重兄长、长辈,那么整个诸侯国也必然会上行下效而大行尊敬兄长的"弟"道;若天子能发挥慈爱之心,去救济关怀孤儿,那么整个诸侯国的平民百姓,就会被天子的仁爱精神所感化,就绝不会背叛天子。因此,君子所身体力行的、大力倡导的,就应当是标准的道德示范作用。



  • brotherly [´brʌðəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.兄弟般的 六级词汇
  • submission [səb´miʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.屈服;谦恭 四级词汇
