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April 23rd is an important day for the English. It is St George's day, the national day of England. England is England. No problem. But what is the difference between Great Britain, the United Kingdom and the British Isles? Great Britain is the name of the island which consists of England, Scotland and Wales. And the United Kingdom (often abbreviated to UK) is the political name of the country that consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The British Isles is a geographical term which refers to Great Britain, the Republic of Ireland and a number of smaller islands. So a British person is someone who comes from the UK and an English person is someone who comes from England.
April 23rd is also the day when England's greatest playwright,William Shakespeare,was born in 1564 and it is also the day on which he died in 1616. In addition England's greatest painter, JWM Turner was also born on this day in 1775.

