

  Hi,大家好!我是大卫,英文名是 David,我来自中国北京。"David 伦敦之行"跟踪记录我第一次英国之行的所见所闻和所想。整个系列节目大约分为七期,你们可以看到我的文字介绍、图片资料,听到我对不同行业的人的采访录音。大家不仅能增进对英国文化的进一步了解,而且可以学到新鲜地道的英语表达,提高自身的英语水平。欢迎将 David's London 介绍给你的朋友,请点击这里发送明信片

    今天是我伦敦之行的第二站,我去了 Regent School 语言学校,在那里我碰到了来自世界各国的学生,同时结识了一位很受学生喜爱的英文老师。跟我去瞧一瞧吧!

Level ★★★★★
Regent School, an international language school, is located near Westminster tube station in London. Each year students from all over the world come here to learn English. But by my observation most of the students are from East Asia, specifically China, Korea and Japan. The students there learn avariety of English courses either for a month, half a year or even one year, but most of them stay there for a short period of time - usually one or two months. What suprised me is that some French students learn English in the school. It seemed to me that since they speak French which is very similar to English, they needn't struggle with English learning.
be located near 位于......附近
observation (n.) 观察
specifically (adv.) 具体地说
a variety of 各种各样的
seem (v.) 好像,似乎
similar (adj.) 类似的
struggle (v.) 努力;奋斗
