

  Hi,大家好!我是大卫,英文名是 David,我来自中国北京。"David 伦敦之行"跟踪记录我第一次英国之行的所见所闻和所想。整个系列节目大约分为七期,你们可以看到我的文字介绍、图片资料,听到我对不同行业的人的采访录音。大家不仅能增进对英国文化的进一步了解,而且可以学到新鲜地道的英语表达,提高自身的英语水平。欢迎将 David's London 介绍给你的朋友,请点击这里发送明信片


Level ★★★★★
Secondary School Students

One morning two students came to interview for a part-time job in the BBC. At first I didn't notice them as I searched for the next interviewee. As they appeared to be waiting for something, I suddenly realized that they might be my interviewees. I quickly got the department manager's permission to start the interview. I hadn't prepared very well for the interview, so I had to think on my feet. While they were answering one question, I was trying to think of another one to ask. Despite my lack of preparation, I felt the interview was successful.
interviewee (n.) 被采访者
permission (n.) 允许
think on one's feet 思考并快速作决定
