



be between 动词+介词

I have it straight from the horse's mouth that Tianke's stock price is to rise, but that's between you, me and the gatepost.(有可靠消息说天科股票要涨,但这事只能天知,地知,你知我知!)be between you, me and the gatepost表示某秘密不能让外人知道。From the horse's mouth表示来自可靠来源。

be beyond 动词+介词

The children tried to build a hut in the garden, but the work was beyond them.(孩子们想在园子中建一个小木屋,但他们根本干不了。)这里be beyond/past someone表示事情对某人太难了,不能理解或不能干。

Your continual lateness is now beyond a joke, if you're not on time tomorrow, you will be dismissed.(你老是迟到,这可不是开玩笑的事。如果明天再不准时就炒你的鱿鱼。) be/get/go beyond/past a joke 表示事态严重,不能开玩笑。

be by动词+副词

I'll be by in the morning and see what I can do.(我明早过来看看能干点什么。)这里be by表示拜访或到达之意。

be down 动词+副词

The hard-hearted teacher is always down on the slower students.(这个没同情心的老师总爱挑差生的毛病。)这里be down on someone表示找某人的碴。

I was down to my last penny when I found a job at last.(我最终找到工作时几乎腰无分文了。)这里be down to something 表示只有一点点钱或别的什么东西了。

be for动词+介词

You'll be for it when they find out who broke the window.(他们知道你打破窗子后你就要遭了。)be for it 表示要受到惩罚。be in for it也是这个意思。

The risky rescue of the tsunami victims on Phuket Island was one for the book.(对普吉岛海啸受害者的惊险抢救值得大书特书))be one for the book表示值得记载的事迹。

be from动词+介词

Vivien Leigh's appearance now is a far cry from what we saw in her early films.(费雯丽现在的容貌与她早期电影中看到的有天壤之别。)be a far cry from something 表示与某事物有很大差别。费雯丽是早期好莱坞顶级明星,主演过"乱世佳人"(Gone with the Wind),"魂断蓝桥"(Waterloo Bridge)等经典大片。年轻时天生丽质,被称为绝代佳人。

be in动词+副词

Tell me who's in?(告诉我谁当选了?)这里be in表示当选。

Short skirt will be in again next year! (短裙明年又要流行了!)这里be in表示时尚,流行。而be out则表示不流行。

It's cold;I hope the fire's still in when we get home.(天太冷了,希望回家时火还没熄。)这里be in表示火还燃着。

It looks as if we're in for some nice weather.(看起来天气要好了。)这里be in for something表示可以期望某事。

Are you in for the running race? (你报名参加赛跑没有?)这里be in for something表示报名参与竞赛。

Lin Fujiu, China's wealthiest police-officer, was in with the criminals.(中国第一大款警察林福久与犯罪份子有勾结。)这里be in with someone表示袒护某人,或与某人有秘密勾结。相当于be in collusion with someone。

Let's rest here for a while, I'm all in.(我们在这里休息一会吧,我累坏了。)be all in意思是非常累。

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