



come across 动词+副词

The girl student comes across well in the interview.(女大学生在面试中给人印象很好。)这里come across表示使人产生某种印象。但有时未必是真相,如下句

A silent person generally comes across as being very sincere.(沉默的人通常看起来很真诚。)

That mad gambler owes me 500 yuan,but I doubt if he'll ever come across.(那赌鬼欠我五百元,我怀疑他能否还我。)这里come across表示交给,给予。

come across 动词+介词

I came across this old photograph in the back of the drawer.(我在抽屉后面翻出了这张老照片。)这里come across/on/upon表示偶然找到什么东西,或偶然碰见什么人。

come after 动词+介词

I saw a big German shepherd coming after me. (我看见一条大德国狼狗在追我。)这里come after表示追逐并准备攻击。

come again 动词+副词

Come again, I didn't hear what you said.(再说一遍,我没听清你说什么。)这里come again是要求对方重复所说的话。

come along 动词+副词

How is your work coming along? (你的工作进展如何?)这里come along/on表示工作进展,情况改善,生长发育等。

Come along, boys, you can do better than that.(孩子们加油,你们可以干得更好。)这里come along/on是鼓励别人努力时口头语,比如要别人干好工作、奋力前进等等。使用祈使句。

Oh, come along! We've had too many cock and bull stories these days.(编,继续编!我们听到的天方夜谈太多了。)这里come along/on是表示不相信对方所说时的口头语,认为对方是在瞎编。使用祈使句。用本山大叔的家乡话来说就是:忽悠,接着忽悠!我们听到的瞎话还少啊!大公牛和大公鸡是很多童话故事的主角,所以它们的故事就是童话式的天方夜谈。

come apart 动词+副词

I'm rather worried about my friend; he's been coming apart at the seams recently.(我有点担心我的朋友,他最近精神状态不好。)come apart at the seams表示事情不成功或精神状态不好。

come around 动词+副词

Why don't you come around and see us one evening? (哪天晚上来我家坐坐!)这里come around/round/over表示访问某人或某处。一般是在同一城市内。

Birthdays come around too quickly when one is getting old.(人年纪大了后生日一年比一年来得快。)这里come around/round表示有规律地发生。

Don't worry about the chairman; he'll soon come around to our opinion.(不必担心主席,他很快会转到我们这边。)这里come around/round /over表示改变观点。

Princess Amneris fainted when the dungeon entrance was blocked up, and people thought she'd never come around.(地牢入口被堵上时阿姆尼丽丝公主晕过去了,人们相信她不会苏醒了。)这里come around/round/to表示恢复知觉。在意大利作曲家威尔弟(Giuseppe Verdi)的著名歌剧阿衣达(Aida )中,埃及青年大将拉达梅斯(Radames)深爱被掳为奴的埃塞俄比亚公主阿衣达,不小心泄露军情,与阿衣达一起被活埋在地牢中。地牢外,暗恋拉达梅斯的埃及公主阿姆尼丽丝悲痛欲绝。

Father and mother often argue, but it doesn't take them long to come around.(爸爸妈妈经常拌嘴,但过不了多久就和好了。)这里come around/round/to表示平息争吵,和好如初。
  • gambler [´gæmblə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.赌徒 六级词汇

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