



come at 动词+介词

I wanted to reply to your letter, but I can't come at it anywhere.(我想回复你的信,但哪里也找不着了。)这里come at something表示找到什么东西。也可以表示发现什么,得到什么。如

It is always difficult to come at the truth.(得到真相往往很困难。)

The shrew came at her husband with a rolling-pin.(母老虎用擀面杖打她老公。)这里come at someone表示攻击某人。

come away 动词+副词

Come away! The door's open! (进来吧,门是开着的!)苏格兰英语中come away就是进入房间。

come back 动词+副词

Is Wang Fei expected to come back? (王菲会复出吗?)这里come back表示隐退后又开始演出。

Long skirts are starting to come back.(长裙又开始流行了。)这里come back表示重新流行,时髦。

I didn't hear you, could you come back? (我没听清,请再说一遍。)这里come back表示重复所说的话。

The soprano sang beautifully, her name will come back to me soon.(女高音歌手歌声很美妙,我很快会想起她的名字。)这里come back to someone表示回到某人的记忆中。

Can I come back to you on the project tomorrow? (我明天再和你谈工程的事,可以吗?)这里come back to someone表示过一段时间再与某人商谈。

Our Tokyo correspondent came back at the chief cabinet secretary with some sharp questions.(我们驻东京记者用一些尖锐的问题反驳了内阁官房长官。)这里come back at someone表示答复或反驳某人。

come before 动词+介词

Your application came before the board of directors yesterday, but I haven't heard the result.(你的申请昨天已提交董事会讨论,但我还不知道结果。)这里come before表示交给有关人员考虑或批准。

come between 动词+介词

It's dangerous to come between two fighting bulls.(拉开两只斗牛非常危险。)这里come between表示制止两只动物如牛,狗之类的争斗;也可表示干预另外两人之间的事务。

Qian Zhongshu, a true scholar, never lets anything come between himself and his work.(作为一个真正的学者什么事也不能阻碍钱锺书全身心投入创作。)这里come between someone and something表示妨碍某人做什么事。有人认为钱锺书的名著"围城"是中国现代文学史上第二本最有趣的书,而且到目前为止还找不到第一本。

come by 动词+副词

Why don't you come by some afternoon and have tea with me? (哪天下午来喝杯茶怎么样?)在美国英语中come by意思是作非正式访问,串串门。

come by 动词+介词

How did you come by that beautiful picture? (你怎样搞到那张画的?)这里come by表示通过努力得到某种东西。有时也表示某种意外,如

How did you come by that wound on your arm? (你手臂上的伤口怎么搞的?)

come clean 动词+形容词

The prisoner came clean and admitted to stealing two Picasso paintings from the museum.(犯人全盘招供,承认偷了博物馆的两幅毕加索名画。)这里come clean表示全盘招供,和盘托出。毕加索(Pablo Picasso 1881-1973),西班牙画家,西方现代立体派绘画的创始人和主要代表。

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