



be up动词+副词

Something must be up; the children are not usually as quiet as that.(事情有点不对劲,孩子们通常不会这么老实。)这里be up不是强调发生了什么事,而是强调事情有点反常或出了什么岔子。

Are the students up at the university yet? (学生们到校没有?)这里be up表示到大学或到大城市。这和中国人的习惯相同,从小地方到大地方都说上哪里,如上省城、上北京。

The firm is up against serious competition from other companies, and will have to double our efforts to succeed.(面临其他公司的残酷竞争公司非常困难,我们只有加倍努力才能过关。)这里be up against something表示面对某事十分棘手,有很大麻烦。

I hear the gardener is up for the robbery at the bank.(听说那个花匠因抢劫银行上了法庭。)这里be up for something表示因犯某事面临法律审判。

Feng Xiaogang's new film is not up to his last one.(冯小刚的新片子没有他的前一部好。)这里be up to something表示质量与某事物相当。因此be up to scratch表示够水平,达到标准。招生时在标杆上刻一道线 (a scratch),身高超过这道线就算合格。

Don't worry; I'm up to all his little tricks.(不必担心,我清楚他的那些小把戏。)这里be up to something表示知道某事的秘密。

Mother hasn't been up to much recently, while her leg was bad.(妈妈近来做不了多少事,她的腿脚不好。)这里be up to something表示可以做某事。

Mother's leg is so much better that she will be up and about soon.(妈妈的腿好多了,很快就能起来走走了。)be up and about表示病后能起床活动了。

I could see that the drunkard's blood was up, so I avoided a quarrel.(我看那酒鬼脸红筋涨,所以避免和他争论。)one's blood be up表示非常愤怒,一付准备打斗的架势。不能理解为热血沸腾,准备为事业献身的意思。

At last Alberta Fujimore knew that the game was up, and let him be taken by the police.(最后藤森知道罪行已败露,让警察把他带走了。)the game is up表示罪行暴露,游戏结束。藤森是秘鲁前总统,因收买反对派议员而下台。

I remember the time when we were so hard up that the boys had no shoes to wear.(那时我们好穷啊,男孩们都没鞋穿。)be hard up表示生活穷困。

Since the minister died suddenly, his position is up for grabs.(部长突然死后人们都可以竞争他的位子。)be up for grabs表示任何人都可以争取。

The two cross-talk actors must be hard up for ideas, since there were only old punch-lines in their show.(那两个相声演员恐怕已经黔驴技穷了,表演中只有些老包袱。)be hard up for something表示缺少什么东西。 Punch-line就是笑话中画龙点睛的一句,即相声中的包袱。

The mothers were up in arms when they heard that there was to be no school crossing across the busy road.(母亲们得知在繁忙的马路上不设学生通道后都十分愤怒。)be up in arms表示异常愤怒。

Ask Dr. Lin, She's well up in children diseases.(去请教林大夫,她是儿科专家。)be well up in something表示在某方面十分内行。

I can't possibly come out tonight; I'm up to my ears in work.(今晚我可能出不去,工作忙得不可开交。)be up to one's ears/eyes/neck表示非常忙。
  • robbery [´rɔbəri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.抢劫(案);盗取 四级词汇

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