

There they are all buried; a pyramid of sand stands over them: if I should one day blow it away, the
sun will bleach their bones; and travellers will see that human beings have passed that way before them; otherwise they would hardly believe it."
"Then you have only done evil!" said the mother.
"March into the sack!" and before he was aware of it, the South Wind was seized, and confined in the sack, which rolled about on the floor until the mother sat down on it; and then he was obliged to be still.
are desperately wild fellows," said the Prince.
"Yes, truly," answered she; "but they must obey. Here is the fourth."
This was the East Wind, who was dresse
d like a Chinaman.
"So you come from that corner of the world?" said the mother. "I thought you had been to the Garden of Paradise."
"I shall fly there tomor
row," said the East Wind; "it is a hundred years tomorrow since I was there. I now come from China, where I danced round the porcelain tower, so that all the bells began to ring. In the street below, the officers wer
e being flogged till the bamboo canes broke upon their shoulders; and there were people, from the first to the ninth rank, who cried out. 'Thanks, thanks, my fatherly benefactor! ' But they did not mean what they sai
d; and I clinked the bells and sang, 'Tsing, tsang, tsu!'"

「如此说来,你是做了邪恶的事!」他的母亲说。 「马上滚到袋子里去!」在他还没意会过来之前,南风就被母亲抓住,塞进袋子里了。他在袋中不停地在地板上打滚,直到他母亲坐在袋子上面,他才安静下来。
「是啊!他们的确是,」她回答说:「但是他们必须服从我。 现在第四个回来了。」
「你从世界的哪一个角落回来?」母亲说。 「我想你去过天国乐园吧!」
「我准备明天飞去,」东风说:「自从我上次去那里,到明天为止已经有一百年了。 我从中国回来,在那里,我绕着瓷瓦宝塔飞舞,以至于所有的钟都响了起来。 我从上面俯看下面街道上有许多官员被鞭笞,直到竹棍在他们肩上被打断了为止,另外有一群人,从一品到九品的官员,他们纷纷叫着说。 『非常感谢!非常感谢!我慈悲的恩人。』 不过,我想他们并不是真心这么认为,然后我就摇着钟唱道:『叮、当、咚!』」
