

"'All I know is that I am very angry!' said the market-basket; 'nobody can imagine how angry
I am! Is this a proper way of passing the evening, I ask? Would it not be much better to put the house to rights first? Everyone would then get his proper place, and I should rule the whole roost. Things would be very different then!'
"'Yes, let us kick up a row!' said they all. The same instant the door opened. It was the maid-servant, and they immediate
ly stood stock still; no one uttered a sound. But there was not a pot there which did not know very well what it could do and how distinguished it really was. 'Yes, if only I had liked,' thought each one of them, 'wh
at a jolly afternoon we should have had!'
"The maid-servant took the matches and struck a light with them; how they spluttered and burst into flame, to be sure! 'Now every one can see,' thought th
ey, 'that we stand first of all! What light, what splendor is ours!' and so they burned right out."
"That was a beautiful story!" said the Queen. "I so entered into the feelings
of the matches in the kitchen. Yes, now you shall have our daughter."
"Yes, certainly," said the King, "you shall have our daughter on Monday!" And they spoke to him in such a
friendly way that he felt he was already one of the family.
So the wedding-day was fixed.

「『我有点烦恼,』菜篮说:『谁也想象不出我内心壶是多么烦恼! 这能算得上是晚上的休闲吗? 把我们这个家整理整理一下岂不是更好呢? 请大家各归原位,让我来安排整个游戏吧! 这样事情才会有所不一样!』
「『是的,我们来闹一下吧!』大家齐声说。 就在这时候,门开了。 女佣走进来,大家都安静地站着不动,谁也不敢哼出声来。 不过在他们当中,没有哪一只壶不是自以为有一套办法,自己是多么高贵。 『只要我愿意,』每一位都这样想:『这一晚可以变得很快乐!』
「女佣拿起柴火,点起一把火。天啦!火烧得那么旺,多么明亮啊! 『现在每个人都可以看到,』他们想:『我们是头等人物。 我们照得多么亮!这光彩是属于我们的。』于是他们就被燃烧完了。」
「这是一个很美的故事!」王后说。 「我觉得自己好象就在厨房里,跟柴火在一起。 好的,我们可以把女儿嫁给你了。」
「是的,当然!」国王说:「星期一你就跟我们的女儿结婚吧!」 他们亲切的招呼他,因为他现在已经属于这家族了。
