

"Look!" cried one, "there's a tin soldier; let's give him a sail!"

So they made a boat out of a newspaper, put the tin soldier in the middle, and down the gutter he went sailing, while both boys ran along by the side, clapping their hands.
What billows there were in that
gutter! And the current too! it was dreadful! Yes, the rain had poured in torrents, and no mistake! The paper boat rocked up and down and spun round and round till the tin soldier was quite dizzy; but
he remained steadfast all through, never changed countenance, looked straight before him, and shouldered arms.
All at once the boat went right under a long gutter-coping; it grew as dark as in his box.
"Where on earth am I going now!" thought he; "yes, it is all the gnome's fault. Ah! if only the little dancing maid were sitting here in the boat it might be as dark again if it liked and I should not care!"
The same instant up came a large water rat who lived under the gutter-coping.
"Have you a pass?" asked the rat. "Come! out with your pass!"

But the tin soldier kept silence and shouldered arms still more firmly.
Off went the boat, with the rat close behind it. Ugh! how it gnashed its teeth, crying, "Stop him! Stop him! He hasn't paid the toll, and he hasn't shown his pass!"

排水沟里掀起了一股多么大的浪潮啊! 这是多么猛的水流啊! 是的,大雨让情况有所改变。 纸船上上下下地颠簸着,有时它旋转得那么急,使得锡兵的头都昏了。可是他站得很稳,脸色丝毫不变,他肩上荷着步枪,眼睛朝前方看着。
「我到底会流到那里去?」他想:「是的,这都是那个妖精搞的鬼。 啊!如果那位小舞蹈家坐在这船里,就是再怎么样的黑暗我也不在乎!」
「你有通行证吗?」老鼠问。 「快!拿出你的通行证。」
船继续朝前急驶,老鼠跟随在后面。 哦!你瞧他那副龇牙咧嘴的样子,他喊着:「抓住他!抓住他! 他没有付过路钱!他没有拿出通行证!」 ho
