

She told him how she disliked the idea of having the nasty mole for a husband, and having to live wit
h him deep down under ground where the sun never shone. She could not keep back her tears as she told him.
"The cold winter is coming now," said the swallow; "I am going to fly far away to the warm
lands. Will you come with me? You can sit upon my back. You have only to tie yourself fast on with your girdle, and then we will fly right away from the ugly mole and his dark room, right over the mou
ntains to the warm lands where the sun shines lovelier than here, and where there is always summer. Do, pray, fly away with me, you sweet little Thumbelina, who saved my life when I lay frozen in the dark earthy cellar!"

"Yes, I'll go with you," said Thumbelina gladly. She sat on the bird's back, her feet resting on its outspread wings, tied her belt fast to one of its strongest feathers, and then the swallow flew high into the ai
r, over wood and over sea, and high up over the big mountains where snow always lies. Thumbelina was almost frozen in the cold air, but she crept right in under the bird's warm feathers, only peeping out now and then to see all the beau
tiful things beneath her.
At last they came to the warm lands. There the sun shone much more brightly, the sky was twice as high, and in hedge and field grew the loveliest green and blue grapes. In the woods hung lemons and oranges, there was a fragrance of balsam and myrtle, and along the roads ran lovely children playing with large speckled butterflies.

她告诉他说,她真的不想要那丑恶的钱鼠做她的丈夫啊!而且她得住在深深的地底下,太阳将永远照不进来。 一想到这她就忍不住哭了起来。
「寒冷的冬天将要来临了,」小燕子说:「我要飞得很遥远,飞到温暖的国度里去。 你愿意跟我一块儿去吗? 你可以骑在我的背上! 你用腰带紧紧地把自己绑牢,这样我们就可以离开这只丑恶的钱鼠,从他那黑暗的房子飞走;远远地、远远地飞越高山,飞到温暖的国度里去。那儿的阳光比这里的更灿烂;那儿永远只有夏天;那里的土地永远盛开着美丽的花朵。 跟我一起飞吧!甜美的拇指小姑娘!当我在那阴暗的地洞里被冻得僵硬时,是你救了我的生命!」
「是的,我将和你一起去!」拇指姑娘说。 她坐在鸟儿背上,把脚搁置在他展开的双翼上,并用腰带把自己紧紧地系在他最结实的一根羽毛上。就这样燕子朝天空飞去,飞过森林,越过大海,高高地飞过经年积雪的高山。 在这寒冷的天空中,拇指姑娘冻得发起抖来。这时她就钻进鸟儿温暖的羽毛里去。只把小小的头伸出来,欣赏天空下的美丽景致。
最后他们来到了温暖的国度。 那儿的阳光比在我们这里灿烂多了,天空似乎也高了一倍。田沟里、篱笆上,都长满了最美丽的绿葡萄和蓝葡萄。 树林里四处悬挂着柠檬和橙子,空气里散发着桃金娘和麝香的香气,许多非常可爱的小孩子在街上跑来跑去,跟一些颜色鲜艳的大蝴蝶一块儿玩耍。
