

   At home在英文中是一个再简单不过的介词短语,意思是"在家里"。然而以这个介词短语为核心构成的片语,意思却有许多不同。比如make yourself at home的意思是"像在自己家里一样,不要客气",而be at home in something又是什么意思呢?

   Tom had spent ten minutes on practicing using the radio. Now he is at home in operating it.


   片语be at home in的意思是"熟练的,精通的"。我们常说人们把技术(技能)学到家了,这不正是"熟练精通的"之意吗?有时人们也写作be well versed in something. If you say that someone is at home in something, you mean he or she is well versed in something. For example:

   After two decades' research, that archaeologist was at home in classical languages.


   如果人们在英语方面很精通,我们也可以用be at home in English 来表示。

   许多人基于使自己英语水平达到精通程度的考虑而参加了一些专业培训,所费不少,然而收效却不大。对了,这里"基于某事的考虑"在英文中可以用片语"in light of something"来表示。如:

   In light of the way their relationship had ended, Rose had never asked for Tom's help even she was in serious trouble.


   In light of是一个介词短语,意思是"按照,考虑到,从...的观点",常翻译为"根据,基于...的考虑,基于...的认识"。在British English中常写作in the light of something. If you do or decide something in the light of something else, you do it after considering that thing. For example:

   Scientists find that patients' immune system becomes severely weakened from trying to fight the AIDS virus. In light of the discovery, they focus their research on ways to fight AIDS virus in newly infected patients.


   结束语:随着竞争激烈程度的愈演愈烈,本科生要想找一份称心如意的工作并不容易。基于这种认识(in light of something),他们中的许多人准备读研,想把专业知识学得更好,达到be at home in的程度。


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