

dì shí sān kè qí zì xíng chē
第十三课 骑自行车
Lesson Thirteen Riding a Bicycle
mài kè:wǒ zū le liàng zì xíng chē.
Mike:I've rented a bicycle.
xiăo wáng:shì ma? zhè xiàr nĭ fāng biàn duō le.
Xiao Wang:Really? So now you can go wherever you want to.
mài kè:zài běi jīng qí chē yīng gāi zhù yì shén me?
Mike:What should I be careful of riding in Beijing?
xiăo wáng:zǒu zì xíng chē zhuān yòng dào, zhù yì hóng lǜ dēng hé xíng rén.
Xiao Wang:Keep on going in the special lane for bicycle, and take care of the traffic lights and pedestrians.
mài kè:wǒ xiăng qí chē qù yí hé yuán.
Mike:I'd like to go to the Summer Palace by bicycle.
xiăo wáng:hăo a, bú guò shí jiān cháng diănr.
Xiao Wang:Good. But it will take you a bit long time.
mài kè:cóng chéng lĭ qí dào yí hé yuán děi yòng duō cháng shí jiān?
Mike:How long does it take from the urban area to the Summer Palace?
xiăo wáng:dà yuē yī gè bàn xiăo shí.
Xiao Wang:About one and half hours.

Thousands upon thousands of bicycles in the whole country make China a "Kingdom of Bicycles". Bicycles have become the most popular conveyance for Chinese people. Foreigners traveling in Beijing may go to some places where hired bikes are especially provided. Many of those who work in China in long period have also bought bicycles.

qí 骑:ride

zì xíng chē 自行车:bicycle

zū 租:rent

xiăo shí 小时:hour

zhù yì 注意:be care of

zhuān yòng dào 专用道:special lane

hóng lǜ dēng 红绿灯:traffic

xíng rén 行人:pedestrian

yí hé yuán 颐和园:Summer Palace

dà yuē 大约:about
