


M: 236, 237, 238 Oh hi Yang Chen, I didn't know you were coming to the gym today.

Y: Hi, Marc. What are you doing?

M: I'm doing push ups.

Y: I know you are doing Pushups 俯卧撑。 我是问你,刚才我听到你在数236 , 237, 238 你真的做了238个俯卧撑?

M: Of course! What, do you think I was just pretending to do all those pushups because I knew you were coming to the gym and wanted to impress you? Haha! Don't be ridiculous!

Y: Oh, let me guess, 你交了新的女朋友。You want to impress her. 让她对你有好感。

M: Well, I do have a hot date next week, so I've been PUMPING IRON at the gym. I'm sure if I have big enough muscles my date will automatically fall in love with me.


M: No, pumping iron just means working out at the gym.

Y: I like it, pumping iron at the gym. 我也需要常常到健身房来 pump iron。

M: Do you want to impress somebody?

Y. No, 不过。。。

M What do you mean 不过?

Y We women aren't only concerned with muscles.

M: That's true. They also really care about my great haircut, my designer cologne,

Y: Designer cologne,名牌香水 , 是在Walmart买的吗?

M: I know you are just making fun of me.

Y: Of course, I'm making fun of you.

M: Just tell me what women are really concerned with.

Y: The inner qualities of a person. 内在美!

M: Come on, Yang Chen, 内在美? Are you kidding me?

Y: Maybe.
