


P: So hey, Yang Chen, Did you watch the Super Bowl last Sunday, Yang Chen?

Y: 超级杯足球赛,看了。

P: Wasn't it exciting?

Y: Oh yeah, the drama, the anticipation, the skill.......

P: I didn't know you are so into American football. So which team do you root for?

Y: Ummmmm, which team......

P: What, you don't remember which teams were playing at the Super Bowl?

Do you even know which team won the Super Bowl?

Y:谁赢了都一样嘛。What's the difference?

P: It makes a lot of difference. So what were you watching anyway? You seem to be so excited about the drama, the anticipation, the skill.......

Y: 我说的是Commercials! 超级杯广告。

P: The commercials during the game are pretty impressive, I'll admit, but I'm excited for the game.

And you should learn to appreciate the game. After all, we are teaching Sports English here.

Y: OK Patrick老师。

P: Well, lets start with a very simple term, touchdown.

Y: 这个我知道, touchdown就是达阵。

P: Very impressive. Yang Chen. The team that scores the most touchdowns usually wins.

Y: 达阵次数多的队就能赢。

P: Yang Chen. You're not as hopeless as I thought.

Y: Well, I learn from the best.

P: You think I'm a good teacher? You really mean it? Wow, that's so nice of you to say!

Y: No no Patrick, I'm talking about the commercials.
