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Episode 27: The hungry cat

Tim: I don't believe it! Kitty's just eaten my dinner. I was putting the kettle on and I turned round and there she was, eating my chicken. That cat's a pain in the neck.
Alice: Oh calm down.
Tim: It drives me mad! I'm starving, I've been slaving away in that dusty old stockroom all day. I hate work just now and then this happens! The cat's got to go or be put down.
Helen: Don't be horrible. You can buy something else to eat.
Tim: We're not all as rich as you, you know, daddy's girl!
Helen: How dare you Tim! I didn't eat your chicken. You drive me up the wall sometimes.
Alice: Hey guys, chill out.


to fly off the handle (v, informal):
to be very angry 发脾气

It's a pain in the neck (idiom):
It's very annoying 惹人嫌,让人很受不了的麻烦

I'm starving (informal):
I'm very hungry 饿极了

To put an animal down:
To kill an animal, usually because it is old or ill 把(老弱病残的)动物杀掉

A daddy's girl:
A woman who isn't independent but is spoilt and looked after by her father (or other father-like figure) 乖乖女
