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Episode 71: Paul confesses

Alice: Look Paul, we've been seeing each other for quite a while, and I think we've been getting on well together...
Paul: I think so too!
Alice: Paul, there's something I want to ask you, and even though I'm afraid of the answer, I really need to know the truth. Paul, are you seeing anybody else?
Paul: No! Alice, there's no-one else, at least not in the way you think.
Alice: Not in the way I think? What does that mean? Just tell me Paul, what's going on?
Paul: Alice, I've been trying to tell you this for weeks now, but I've been afraid of your reaction. The truth is...the truth is that I was married for several years, but my wife left me eighteen months ago.

Vocabulary 字汇

to confess: 坦白,招供
to tell somebody that you have done something that you think is bad, or that you feel guilty about

to be seeing somebody: 与某人谈恋爱,约会,交往
to be having a romanticrelationship

what's going on? 怎么啦?
what's happening?
