


  本单元是关于 写广告的对话。
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Episode 77: Writing an advert

Alice: Right, how does this sound? Wanted: student or young professional...
Tim: ... male student or young professional.
Alice: Ok. From the top. Wanted: male student or young professional for bright, sunny room in flatshare...
Tim: ... in mixed flatshare ...
Alice: ... for bright, sunny room in mixed flatshare. Must be clean, tidy and easy-going. Close to shops, pubs and buses. Reasonable rent.
Helen: Shouldn't we say something about the cat? He might be allergic.
Alice: Ooh, yeah, good point. Must be clean, tidy, easy-going and must like cats. Ooh, and shall we say something about, you know, the dishwasher, tv, broadband...
Helen: Yeah, put 'all mod cons'.
Alice: Ok, mixed flatshare with all mod cons. Shall I read it back to you?
Tim: Yeah, and then call the small ads department at the Gazette. Or we could go with the Courier..

Vocabulary: 字汇

from the top 从头再来
repeat from the beginning

mixed 混合
both men and women are living in the same house

close to all amenities 生活便利
amenities are shops and services that people like to have close to their houses - such as schools, banks, doctors, stations etc.

allergy 过敏
an unusual sensitiveness of the body which causes certain people to be affected in a bad way by something usually harmless

all mod cons 现代化设备
'mod cons' means 'modern conveniences' - things like a telephone, washing machine, dishwasher etc.

small ads 小广告
short advertisements which are found in local and national newspapers, or on notice boards in shops, colleges etc.

go with 决定...怎么做
choose, decide

The Gazette; The Courier 报纸名
These are typical names for newspapers.
