Slogan written on the wall is an unique cultural phenomenon in China. You will often see this kind of slogan by the main roads especially in the rural areas of China where the content of the slogan is always having something to do with national policies.
Slogans on the walls can always reflect features of the time. For example, those slogans in 1980s were mostly related to the family planning policy, encouraging people to have "late marriage and late childbirth" and to "bear and rear better children"; while slogans in 1990s mainly emphasized the importance of developing national economy. In the early 21st century, they are primarily about the Olympic Games held in Beijing.
Besides the national policies, slogans are also associated with the local situations. If a certain place is abundant in forests, then there would be more slogans written on the walls for alerting people of the fire hazard or educating them to not fell trees unlawfully.
Nowadays, in addition to the above two catalogs, advertisements can also be brushed on walls as a third kind of slogan. By and large, we can see the development and changes in China through these slogans written on walls.