


A: 欢迎大家来到美语训练班!我是杨琳!

B: And I'm Donny. 杨琳,今天咱们学什么?

A:今天,我们要去学击剑, 要和朋友聊聊大学住宿和party,琢磨一下去哪里踏春, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说"质量差"和"守财奴"。

B: 守财奴?我就想当守财奴!

A: 啊?为什么啊?

B: 杨琳,you know, the economy is bad now, and a lot of people have gone bankrupt and lost all of their savings. 所以,能有财守是很让人羡慕的!

A: 情况也没那么糟吧! 不信咱们来听下面的Learn a Word, 看看大学生的就业状况。

Learn A Word starting salary

今天我们要学的词是 starting salary, starting is spelled s-t-a-r-t-i-n-g, salary is spelled s-a-l-a-r-y; starting salary. Starting salary 起薪。今年美国大学毕业生的就业市场将比去年好转,化学工程专业学生薪水最高。The average starting salary for chemistryengineering graduates is $66,886. 化学工然b专业的毕业生平均起薪6万6千886美元。就业专家建议,College graduates should focus on finding a job where they can grow and shouldn't be overly concerned about their starting salary. 大学毕业生应该更努力找一份有发展空间的工作,而不要过份在意起薪的多少。好的,今天我们学习的词是 starting salary, starting salary, starting salary.

A: 什么?化学专业的starting salary最高?嘿! 早知道我考大学的时候就报化学专业了!

B: Why didn't you?

A: 我那时候是文艺少女啊,就希望能找一个让我成天读诗看小说的专业,什么物理化学,太枯燥了。

B: So you majored in what really interests you. What's wrong with that?

A: 毕业的时候就明白了! 人家理工科的学生找工作容易,待遇好啊! 唉! 我当时真该听我爸妈的建议去学医,不应该那么固执,一根筋。

B: Yes, being open-minded and listening to others will surely do you good.

A: Open-minded? 这不是我们今天的流行美语里要教的词么?

B: 没错,一起听吧!

Popular American: To catch a show; open-minded

各位听众,现在播送「流行美语」。春天来了,Larry 和李华计划到外面转转,享受春天的美景。他们会用到两个常用语:to catch something 和open minded。

Larry: What wonderful spring weather! We should get out and enjoy it, Lihua.

LH: 没错,咱们踏春去!

Larry: There are a lot of music festivals around town these days. Would you be interested in catching an outdoor show somewhere?

LH: Catch a show? "Catch" 不是捕捉的意思吗? 怎么可能捕捉一个show呢?

Larry: Not that kind of catch, Lihua. Here, the word "catch" means to go to attend something, like a show.

LH: 哦,catch在这里不是"捕捉",而是"参加某项活动"的意思。 to catch a show就是去看一场表演。

Larry: That's right! We could catch a rock concert.

LH: 啊?摇滚演唱会?太吵了! Let's catch a classical music performance instead. 我们去欣赏一场古典音乐。

Larry: Classical music? With music that boring and weather this nice, I'd surely fall asleep!

LH: 听古典乐你会睡觉?真是没有艺术细胞! 好了,你还有什么主意?

Larry: Well, we could always go catch a movie. There's a new action film that just came out.

LH: Catch a movie? 看电影?可那是在室内啊,可惜了这么好的天气!

Larry: That's OK. We can just enjoy the lovely weather-- as we walk to the movie theater.

LH: 可我不是很想看电影....Wait! I know! 我们去运动运动吧,I feel like catching a game of tennis. 去打网球吧!

Larry: Well, you can't "catch" a game of tennis if you are playing it. If you are watching other people play, however, then you can say you are "catching" the game.

LH: 哦,to catch something 是强调被动地,不需要费力就可以享受的那种参与。如果自己挥汗如雨地去打网球,就不能用catch, 可如果自己不用动,轻松地坐在一边看网球赛,就可以说catch a game of tennis 了! 这样吧 Larry, 咱们去博物馆看艺术展,怎么样?

Larry: Ah, I guess we could go to the museum...

LH: 你好像不太情愿啊!

Larry: Well, it's just that I had my mind set on going to that rock concert for awhile now.

LH: 真不明白,那么吵闹的摇滚乐,有什么好听的。

Larry: Come on, Lihua. I think you should be more open-minded when it comes to music.

LH: open-minded? 什么意思?

Larry: To be open-minded means to be open to new ideas or experiences.

LH: I get it. To be open minded 就是宽容,思想开放的意思。这么说起来,Larry, 你就不是个 open-minded,思想开放,勇于尝试的人。

Larry: No way! I am very open-minded, Lihua. I've done all sorts of crazy things with you that I wouldn't normally do.


Larry: Well, like playing Mahjong with your friends. Even though I had to learn from scratch, I still kept an open mind and tried to have fun.

LH: 哈哈,你打麻将那次还真是出糗呢!

Larry: And I went camping last year with your friends. And even though it was cold and raining the entire time, I was open-minded and tried to enjoy myself.

LH: 好啦,我承认你是个优秀的男朋友!

Larry: Of course I am! And I'm not close-minded.

LH: Close-minded? 我知道了,一定是open-minded的反义词,就是思想保守的。对不对?

Larry: That's right. You shouldn't be so close-minded to this rock concert thing.

LH: 那好,我们来个妥协。咱们先去看博物馆看艺术展,然后再去听摇滚乐,怎么样?我够open-minded了吧?

Larry: Great! Let's go!

各位听众,今天李华学了两个常用语,一个是to catch something,意思是"观看观赏";另一个是open-minded,意思是"思想开放的,肯接受新鲜事物的"。

A: Hmm, I've always wanted to catch a Broadway show. I heard they're fantastic.

B: Go ahead! What's stopping you?

A: 票价啊! 百老汇歌舞剧的票太贵了,动不动上百美元,我觉得有点宰人。

B: I don't know. I saw "Phantom of the Opera" once, and I really liked it. I think it's worth the money. 物有所值。

A: It better be! 花那么多钱,当然不想看不入流的表演。

B: 说到不入流,质量差,咱们正好听一下"How to say it in American English", 教的就是这个词。

How to say it: rip off

Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是方方要问的:宰人。

JESSICA: 方方,Your new cell phone is so cool!

FF: 那是,这可是最新型的智能手机!

JESSICA: 这手机很贵吧?

FF: 商店里卖5000块呢!

JESSICA:啊? That price gives me sticker shock.

FF: sticker shock? sticker, s-t-i-c-k-e-r, sticker, 是商品的价签,shock表示吃惊,sticker shock就是说看到价签上的价格,被吓到了,对不对?

JESSICA: That's correct.

FF: 说起来,那天我去商场里买手机,When I saw the price, I got major sticker shock. 那价格让我大跌眼睛。这么贵,纯属宰人! 对了,"宰人"在美语里怎么说呢?

JESSICA: We use the word "rip-off". r-i-p-o-f-f. If something gives you sticker shock, you can say "This is a rip-off".

FF: This is a rip-off, 这是宰人价!

JESSICA: You can also say rip someone off.

FF: Rip someone off?我明白,就是"冲某人要高价,宰人一刀"。那我要是说"我被人宰了",就是 I was ripped off,对不对?

JESSICA: Exactly! Fangfang, Don't you think you were kinda ripped off ? This phone is really pricey!

FF: There's no way I got ripped off! 这手机是网上买的,才1000块!

Jessica: Wow! That's a really good deal!

FF: 那是! 哎?怎么回事?手机怎么不动了?Jessica 你看看,what's wrong with my phone?

Jessica: Let me see ....The phone is dead. It's broken.

FF: 啊?坏了?我,我昨天才买的!

Jessica: It seems like you bought a shoddy phone. Shoddy is spelled s-h-o-d-d-y. If something is of poor quality, you say it's shoddy.

FF: Shoddy 就是形容质量低劣。嘿! 气死我了! 买了个劣质品。

Jessica: You know what they say, Fang Fang, you got what you paid for.

FF: You got what you paid for? 便宜没好货! Jessica, 你损我是吧?

Jessica: 哈哈,别生气了。Let's see what you've learned today!

FF: 第一,宰人是rip-off, 当动词是rip someone off;

第二,形容价格高可以说 something gives me sticker shock;


A:Donny, 除了rip someone off,我们以前好像还教过一个说法,也是宰人的意思,对不对?

B: Yes! 我们教过的那个是 to take someone for a ride.

A: 对! 我记得好像是在讲,找房子的时候,房东欺负租客刚来美国,不懂行情,所以把价格开得高高的,He took her for a ride. 对不对?

B: Wow, Yanglin, I'm impressed.

A: Thanks! 不过说到找房子,咱们就来听听今天的GoEnglish, 看看美国大学生怎么解决住宿问题,室友们又会怎么相处。

B: Let's listen!

GoEnglish: College─Advanced


Winnie: Eric 和 Patty 是大学同学,俩人聊起了住宿情况。

Professor: Listen for the word "lousy," which means "bad."

Eric: So Patty, are you planning on living on campus this year, or are you going to go for an apartment?

Patty: Well, housing is included in my scholarship, so I have to live on campus. The food is lousy, but there are other things I like about it.

Eric: What are the good things about living in a college dorm?

