
Desperate Housewives - Episode 02.08 - The Sun Won't Set

Betty's House

"Betty Applewhite was a gifted woman. Everyone had always said so, ever since she was a child."

Flashback to Betty as a young girl playing scales on the piano as her piano teacher watches.

"Her first piano teacher praised her dexterity. Her first college professor applauded her sense of rhythm."

Flashback to an older Betty playing skillfully at the piano as her college professor watches.

"Her first symphony conductor hailed her dramatic flair."

Flashback to a young adult Betty playing a concerto on the piano as her symphony conductor watches.

Betty's House Present Day

A neighborhood watch meeting is taking place.

"But Betty was no longer a concert pianist. She was now just a woman with a secret. One she was determined to keep by any means necessary."

Mrs. McClusky: "I'm not a bit surprised that somebody broke into Gabrielle's house. Wisteria Lane is an easy target. It's not like the police patrol around here."

Tom: "We still have the neighborhood watch."

Mrs. McClusky: "Oh, the neighborhood watch is a joke. When was the last time any of you went on patrol, huh? Now, I put security lights on my house. I say it's time that we hire professional security."

Lynette: "Well, that sounds expensive."

Mrs. McClusky: "Could you really put a price on your kids' safety? Well, you probably could."

Lynette: "Look, McClusky, I am as worried as everybody else in this neighborhood, but I just don't think that we..;

Betty and Matthew whisper to each other.

Matthew: "We've got to stop this."

Betty: "And say what, we're against security?"

Matthew: "But if they find Caleb first..."

Betty: "Hush, Matthew. I'm trying to think."

They turn back to the rest of the group.

Mrs. McClusky: "I'm not talking about a bunch of vigilantes, I'm talking about trained men who know when to shoot."

Tom: "Do we really need professional security?"

Mrs. McClusky: "Are you all gonna wait until somebody else is attacked? I think it's time to take a vote on armed security. I've had enough. All those in favor..."

Betty gets up and begins playing the beginning of Beethoven's 5th Sympthony on the piano. Everyone quiets down and turns to look at Betty,

Betty: "Oh, sorry. Things were just getting so dramatic."

Tom: "Wow, you're really good."

Mrs. McClusky: "We were taking a vote here."

Matthew: "She was a concert pianist."

Betty: "Well, I dabbled a bit."

Betty continues playing. Everyone watches her. Matthew smiles. Mrs. McClusky looks annoyed.

"Yes, Betty Applewhite was a gifted woman, and the greatest of all her gifts was her timing."

Opening Credits

Gabrielle's House - Inside

Gabrielle is sitting in a darkened house in her robe. She opens the curtains.

"Once they've suffered a miscarriage, some women sit alone in the dark for hours. They refuse to go out in the light of day, afraid to face the possibility that life will go on."

Gabrielle walks over to her bed where there are baby clothes spread out all over.

"They hold onto reminders of their unborn child and dream of what might have been. Yes, this is how some women react when they've suffered such a loss."

Gabrielle grabs a bag and begins putting all the baby clothes into it.

"Gabrielle Solis was not one of those women."

Gabrielle's House - Outside

Gabrielle comes out onto her porch carrying the bag of baby clothes, her keys, and her purse. She walks to her car and sees Bree, Lynette, and Susan approaching.

Gabrielle: "Hi, guys."

Bree: "Hi, honey."

Lynette: "Hi."

Bree: "How are you?"

Gabrielle: "I'm fine. Thank you for the messages. I'm, I'm sorry I haven't had time to return calls."

Susan: "We all cleared our schedules. We thought maybe you could use some company."

Bree: "So we're gonna go to my house. I made banana bread, and we'll put on a fresh pot, and just talk about anything."

Gabrielle: "That sounds so nice. It's just I'm booked solid today. My head's gonna explode. Can I take a rain check?"

Lynette: "Sure."

Gabrielle: "Thanks. Thanks for understanding."

Bree: "Okay, well, uh, I will call you tonight and we'll figure out a time later in the week."

Gabrielle: "Well, I'll tell you what, since it's my schedule that seems to be the problem, why don't I just figure out a time and call you?"

Susan: "Okay."

Gabrielle: "I just, I have so many errands to run and a million thing to return."

She holds up the bag from the baby store.

Bree: "Oh, honey, there's no reason why you and Carlos can't try again."

Susan: "You'd be an amazing mother."

Lynette: "You should hold onto that stuff for a while."

Gabrielle: "Yeah, you know, I would, but the store has this strict thirty-day return policy."

She gets in her car.

Fairview County Jail Visiting Room

Carlos enters, escorted by guards. He has chains on his wrists which are connected to a long chain and his ankles chained.

Gabrielle: "Carlos, what happened?"

Carlos: "I've had a rough couple days. After you told me about the, the baby, I kind of lost it."

Gabrielle: "Carlos, your hands."

Carlos: "I ripped my mattress open."

Gabrielle: "Jeez, how are you feeling today?"

Carlos: "They're injecting me with this tranquilizer thing. I think it's doing the trick. We never even talked about names. I had my top five all picked out."

Gabrielle: "Honey."

Carlos: "You want to hear 'em?"

Gabrielle: "No, I'm good."

Carlos: "You never thought about names?"

Gabrielle: "Oh, well, it was a little soon for that, don't you think? I mean, how can you name something the size of a walnut?"

He looks at her sweater.

Carlos: "Is this new?"

Gabrielle: "Do you like it? I picked it up on the way here."

Carlos: "You just lost a baby."

Gabrielle: "We all grieve differently."

Carlos: "You seem to be taking it pretty well."

Gabrielle: "I go shopping, you rip toilets out of the wall. Different strokes."

Carlos: "Are you even sad?"

Gabrielle: "Oh, please. What do you think?"

Carlos: "Honestly? I don't know."

Gabrielle: "Of course, I'm sad. It's a sad situation. Now, let go of me."

Carlos: "Oh, man."

Gabrielle: "Honey, are you okay?"

Carlos: "I think my tranquilizer's wearing off."

Gabrielle: "Well, let's get you another round."

She waves the guard over.

Mike's House - Outside

Mike is on a ladder, cleaning out his rain gutters. Susan walks over and stands at the bottom of the ladder.

Susan: "Hey, Mike. So my mom's wedding is in a couple days, and I know you sent back that little card saying you were coming and that you preferred beef, which, actually I changed to fish for you 'cause I tasted the beef. Anyways, I know that was before we, you know..."

Mike drops a bunch of dead, wet leaves at Susan's feet.

Mike: "Send your mom my apologies, but I won't be attending."

Susan: "Oh. I hope that's not just because of us not being us anymore. I mean, we could be together at a wedding and it wouldn't have to be weird."

Mike: "It'd be weird."

Susan: "Of course. Yeah, I see that."

Mike drops more wet leaves at Susan's feet.

Susan: "Oh, uh. So what have you been doing lately?"

Mike: "Oh, just the usual."

Susan: "Well, I've been writing a book. It's sort of autobiographical. Really been forcing me to reexamine some of the different things that have made me me, like the fact that my mother had me so young, and I never knew my dad. Big stuff like that. I told you about my dad, right? He was a Merchant Marine, and his platoon was killed in the Battle of Hanoi?"

Mike: "That's strange."

Susan: "Why?"

Mike: "Well, Hanoi wasn't enemy territory. There wasn't a battle there."

Susan: "Are you sure? That's what my mom said."

Mike: "I'm pretty sure, yeah. The Merchant Marines don't fight. They deliver supplies on ships."

Susan: "Oh. Well, clearly I have more research to do. So, what do you think? My life story, would you rush out and buy a copy?"

Mike: "Susan..."

Susan: "Yeah?"

Mike: "You really need to step back."

Mike throws more leaves to the ground. Susan jumps back just in time from getting hit with them.

Lynette's House - Nighttime

Lynette drives up. Porter and Preston are tossing a football to each other in the street.

Lynette: "Porter, Preston, what have I told you about playing outside after dark?"

Porter/Preston: "It's not dark."

Lynette: "Does your dad know you're out here?"

Mrs. McClusky: "Don't worry, I've been watching 'em. They keep setting off my motion sensors. I ought to send you half my electric bill."

Lynette: "You do that. Okay, guys, come on over here. On the sidewalk. Stay there. Not on the street. Thank you."

Lynette goes inside. Tom is vacuuming.

Lynette: "Hey."

Tom: "Hi, babe."

Lynette: "I'm home. Could you come here a sec?"

Tom: "Sure. What's up?"

Lynette points out the window. Tom sees Porter and Preston playing ball outside in the dark.

Porter/Preston: "Block me, come on!"

Tom: "Damn, they must have snuck out again."

Lynette: "Again? How often does this happen?"

Tom: "Boys, get in here now! Honey, you know how slippery they are. It's like trying to herd cats."

Lynette: "Tom, it's nine o'clock at night."

Tom: "Guys, upstairs now. Let's go. Into pee-jays, into bed. Honey, they're fine. You just, you worry too much."

Lynette: "And for good reason. Someone could have driven off with them, and you wouldn't have even noticed."

Tom: "They were in the front yard. God, when I was their age, I used to hop on my bike, disappear for hours. My mom never batted an eye."

Lynette: "Yeah, well, that was a different time. You have to be more vigilant. There was a break-in on this street."

Tom: "I was at the neighborhood watch meeting, remember?"

Lynette: "I'm sorry. I've been doing this for seven years. Trust me. You have to have eyes in the back of your head."

Tom: "The two in front work just fine, thanks."

Lynette: "Really?"

Tom: "Mm-hmm."

Lynette: "Where's Penny?"

Tom looks around frantically, then sees Penny fast asleep on the couch.

Tom: "See? Right where I left her."

Bree's House

Bree is clipping coupons out of the newspaper at the dining room table. She turns a clipping over and sees a picture of herself. She matches it to the paper and sees it is an engagement announcement for her and George.


Bree puts the paper in front of George.

Bree: "How did this get in the paper?"

George: "I, I was going to call you."

Bree: "We discussed this. We agreed to go slowly."

George: "I, I was going to call and cancel after our talk, but things just got so hectic, I, I forgot."

Bree: "Rex has only been dead for seven weeks."

George: "So?"

Bree: "So, I don't want every woman in this town talking about me behind my back."

George: "I'm sorry, but isn't the damage done?"

Bree: "Well, fortunately, people only read the announcements when there's nothing in the front page, and the headline today was about some catastrophic flood in Sri Lanka."

George: "Oh, so we lucked out."

Bree: "Yes, we did. Now, when the time comes to go public with our relationship, I need you to discuss it with me first. I'm the bride, after all. It's only appropriate."

George: "Okay. I will need you to wear that ring, though."

Bree: "The ring?"

George: "You're not wearing it. Where is it?"

Bree: "It's in my purse."

George: "Oh, good. Please put it on."

Bree: "But if people see it..."

George: "They'll assume that you're wearing your wedding ring."

Bree: "Maybe, but why risk it?"

George: "Because a ring tells would-be suitors a woman is spoken for. A naked hand invites unwanted attention."

Bree gets the ring out of her purse.

George: "Here. Let me."

He slips the ring on her. Bree sees someone in line behind her.

George: "Will that be all, Mrs. Van de Kamp?"

Bree: "Uh, yes, I think so, Mr. Williams."

Wisteria Lane - Daytime

A rough-looking Hispanic man drives up in front of Gabrielle's house in a battered old car. He gets out of his car and opens his trunk, which contains a shovel, tire iron, tools, an ice chest and various other things. He has a switchblade knife in his hand which he throws into the ice chest which contains sodas. He takes the ice chest out of the trunk.

Gabrielle's House - Inside

Gabrielle is doing yoga in her living room. She looks behind her and sees the stranger on her porch. He stands at the front door looking through the glass. Gabrielle grabs the phone.

Gabrielle: "Ahhh! Oh, my god! What do you want?"

Hector: "Hey, hey, it's cool!"

Gabrielle: "No, it's not cool! Who the hell are you?"

Hector: "Carlos sent me!"

Gabrielle: "I'm gonna call the police!"

Hector: "Name's Hector. I met Carlos inside."

Gabrielle: "Inside what? You mean, you mean, in prison?"

Hector: "He told me what happened, asked me to come by, and keep an eye on you. Can I come in?"

Gabrielle: "No! No, you can't come in!"

Hector: "I brought a cooler. I'll camp out here."

Gabrielle: "No! Uh-uh! I can take care of myself, okay?"

Hector: "Okay."

Gabrielle: "Okay?"

Hector: "Yeah, I, I get it. You need your space."

Gabrielle: "Yes. Yes, I do. I need my space. Thank you."

Hector turns and leaves. He gets in his car and Gabrielle locks the dead bolt on the door. He smiles and drives away.

Lynette's House - Daytime

Tom: "Come here. I want to show you something."

Lynette:: "Okay."

Tom: "Come here."

Lynette: "Hi, guys."

Tom: "I thought about what you said. Don't want you to worry. So I had a little talk with the boys."

Lynette: "Oh."

Tom: "Okay, guys, what do we do if a stranger asks us to take a ride in their car?"

Porter raises his hand in the air.

Tom: "Porter."

Porter: "We run away and call nine-one-one."

Tom: "Good man. Right, but what if that stranger says, Hey, I know your mommy and daddy? What, Preston?"

Preston: "Still run away."

Tom: "Yes. Okay."

Lynette: "Can I ask a question?"

Tom: "Yeah, by all means."

Lynette: "What if the stranger is nice and not scary? Yes?"

Preston: "Run away and call nine-one-one."

Lynette: "So, what if the stranger says they're gonna take you to the circus for pizza and elephant rides? Don't look at your dad. Eyes on me. What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do?"

Porter: "We run away?"

Tom: "Yes! Snap. Okay, to the kitchen. We are having ice cream tonight."

Lynette: "You're smiling like that actually meant something."

Tom: "Lynette, come on. We worked on this all afternoon. They get it."

Lynette: "Give me a break. You know our kids. I love them dearly, but that goes in one ear and out the other."

Tom: "I'm gonna have some ice cream"

Lynette: "Tom, you're not off the hook here."

Tom: "Lynette, I can keep my children alive. When you left this morning, there were four. When you came home, there were still four. When you come home and there are only three, then you get to lecture me."

Bree's House - Outside

Bree is trimming a tree in the front yard when a young woman walks up.

Leila: "Excuse me. Are you Bree Van de Kamp?"

Bree: "Uh, yes, I am."

Leila: "My name is Leila Mitzman. I hope I'm not interrupting?"

Bree: "Can I help you?"

Leila: "This may sound odd but I felt I should see you. I read in the paper that you're engaged to George Williams."

Bree: "Oh, well, that announcement was a bit premature."

Leila: "But you and George are involved? In a romantic relationship?"

Bree: "Yes."

Leila: "Then we need to talk."

Bree's House - Inside

Leila and Bree are sitting on the couch. Bree pours tea for Leila.

Leila: "We'd been dating for six months when he asked me to marry him. From the moment I said yes, George got so possessive, and when he found out my ex lived just down the street, George accused me of seeing him behind his back. And then one night, I got a call from the police. Someone had set my ex's car on fire. I could never prove anything, but I knew it was George. I left him the next day."

Bree: "Well, I don't know what to say."

Leila: "I know. It's upsetting."

Bree: "Yes, it is. To have a complete stranger come into my home, drink my tea, and then try to turn me against one of the sweetest men I have ever known."

Leila: "Honey, you got to trust me. George is a whack job, and you should get while the getting's good."

Bree: "I think it's time for you to leave."

Leila: "One time, I was talking to a guy at a bar, and when we got home, George slapped me. What do you say to that?"

Bree: "I say, given your overall demeanor and your freewheeling use of epithets, I'm willing to bet that he was provoked."

Leila: "When I read that you were engaged to George, I felt it was my duty to let you know he's crazy. But now that I've met you, I can see it's a match made in heaven."

She storms out.

Park - Daytime

Sophie is wearing a wedding veil and carrying flowers.

Susan: "I'm here. Hi, Morty, Reverend Hopkins. I'm sorry I'm late to your rehearsal."

Sophie: "Oh, it's okay. It's all right. You're here now. It's fine. Go in front of me. Okay, Reverend, hit it!"

The minister turns on a tape player and the wedding march plays.

Susan: "Mom, can I ask you a question?"

Sophie: "You've got to march, Susie. Got to march."

Susan: "Oh. Oh. I was just researching my book and I, I found the strangest thing. No one with my father's name was ever a Merchant Marine."

Sophie: "Did I say Merchant? Well, I just meant the regular Marines."

Susan: "Oh, well, yeah, I thought you probably did. So I checked that, too, and he wasn't there and so I called the V.A., and there is not a single record of anyone named Harrison Ross in Vietnam."

Sophie: "This is not the time, Susie."

Morty: "What's, what's the holdup, ladies?"

Susan: "Well, I'm sorry to upset you, Mom, I just, don't you think that's weird?"

Morty: "What's, what's weird?"

Susan: "Well, there's no record of anyone with my dad's name in the armed services."

Morty: "Oh, well, there it is."

Susan: "There what is?"

Sophie: "Morty, just go on back up there."

Morty: "Look, I'm, I'm not gonna say that I knew this would happen, but I knew this would happen."

Susan: "Mom, I need answers."

Sophie: "Do you have to do this now? You are ruining my wedding rehearsal."

Susan: "Well, you've been married four times. I think you got it down."

Sophie: "I will not stand here and be attacked!"

Sophie turns and walks away. Susan grabs the veil.

Susan: "Mom, don't walk away from me."

Sophie: "What do you want me to say? You want me to say I'm a bad mother? Fine! I'm a bad mother! Are you happy now?"

Sophie runs away, crying.

Susan: "Mom! Mom."

Susan chases her mom. Morty is standing with the minister. The minister stares at Morty.

Morty: "Yes, yes, I, I know what I'm getting into."

Parking Lot - Daytime

Morty walks toward his car.

Susan: "Morty? Morty, have you seen my mom?"

Morty: "Yeah. Yeah, she seemed, uh, she seemed pretty upset. I, I think, I think she took a cab home. You need, you need a ride?"

Susan: "I need to you tell me the truth about my father."

Morty: "Hop in. When, uh, when I was in Korea, I was stationed outside of, uh, Pusan, and we'd, uh, we'd, we'd get these, these passes, you know, and we'd, and we'd go into town, and, you know, we'd have a, have a few beers, and we used to call it R and R in, in military lingo."

Susan: "Yeah, well, I know what R and R means. So what does this have to do with my father?"

Morty: "Well, that's, that's what I'm getting to. Um, anyway, there were these, these young ladies. Professional ladies if you know what I mean."

Susan: "Morty, can, can we just move this along?"

Morty: "Okay. Long story short, it's just I never figured that my first time with a woman would, would be in an alley, behind a Korean noodle stand with, with my fatigues down around my, my ankles."

Susan: "Okay, again, what does this have to do with my father?"

Morty: "We, we've all done things that, uh, you know, that we're ashamed of. I mean, you know, we all, we all have secrets. Your, your, your father wasn't a war hero. And he, he wasn't in Viet, Vietnam."

Susan: "Well, why would my mother tell me that?"

Morty: "Uh, Sophie wasn't, wasn't married to your father. I'm, I'm not, I'm not sure she even, she even knew his name.

