

As news of the death of Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs spread, Apple fans began gathering at the company's headquarters and chain of stores world-wide to express their condolences.

At Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, Calif. -- under the sign for the company's signature address of 1 Infinite Loop -- mourners placed a few pieces of flowers and Jobs memorabilia that attracted a small crowd of visitors and Apple employees by Wednesday evening.

苹果公司联合创始人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)去世的消息传开后,苹果的粉丝们开始在该公司总部门外以及苹果在世界各地的连锁店前聚集,表达他们的哀悼之情。

A solitary bagpiper began to play and was quickly surrounded by TV reporters.

在苹果位于加州库比蒂诺(Cupertino)的总部,在该公司那标志性的地址牌"无限循环圈1号"(1 Infinite Loop)下边,有哀悼者在周三夜幕降临之前摆放了几束鲜花和一些纪念乔布斯的物品,这吸引来了一小批参观者和苹果公司员工。

Lin Lin, 25 years old, brought a bouquet in Mr. Jobs's memory. The Apple chief 'was always a hero,' said Mr. Lin, an engineer at EMC Corp.


Chris Schiappacasse snapped pictures of three half-mast flags outside the headquarters, those of the U.S., California and Apple. He recalled Apple donating computers to his elementary school in nearby Sunnyvale in the early 1980s.

25岁的林林(音)带着一束花来纪念乔布斯。在EMC Corp.担任工程师的他说,这位苹果公司的前首席执行长"一直是位偶像"。

Outside Apple stores from New York to San Francisco to Tokyo, Apple fans displayed photos of Mr. Jobs on their iPads. Passersby paused to snap photos as people from the media gathered as well, sometimes outnumbering the consumers.

克里斯·斯基亚帕卡塞斯(Chris Schiappacasse)拍下了苹果总部门外三面旗帜被降下一半的画面,这三面旗分别是美国、加州和苹果的旗帜。他回忆起苹果公司在上世纪80年代初向该公司附近那所他就读的小学捐赠电脑的事。

At the downtown San Francisco Apple store, one mourner stood by the entrance holding his iPad with a black-and-white image of Mr. Jobs. A lifelong Apple fan, Steve Streza was at work a few blocks away when he heard that Mr. Jobs had died.


Mr. Jobs 'has just been an inspiration to myself, my colleagues and my friends,' said Mr. Streza, 24.

在位于旧金山市区的苹果店,一名哀悼者站在店门处,他手里举着一个显示着乔布斯黑白照片的iPad。这个名叫史蒂夫·斯特雷扎(Steve Streza)的人是苹果的终生粉丝,听到乔布斯过世的消息时,他正在距苹果门店几个街区的地方工作。

He was wearing his black 'WWDC' shirt and carrying a black WWDC messenger bag. (The letters stand for Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference.)


'It just hit us so hard,' added Mr. Streza, who said he works for readitlater.com, which develops apps for Apple products.


In Tokyo, Kazuho Asano, 35, was passing the Apple store in the Ginza shopping district when he paused to take a photo of the store with his iPhone. 'There's no one else like him,' Mr. Asano, a designer, said of Mr. Jobs. 'He was a huge force.'


Outside the Apple store on New York's Fifth Avenue, some Apple fans wrote messages to Mr. Jobs on store scaffolding. 'It's really sad he went so young in his life. He was an incredible inventor,' said Gary Salmon, a 30-year-old student from Brooklyn who came to the store upon hearing the news.

在东京,35岁的浅野一穗(Kazuho Asano,音)经过银座购物区的苹果专卖店时停下脚步,用自己的iPhone拍下了门店的照片。身为设计师的浅野说:没有人像乔布斯一样,他是一股极大的力量。

Yingi Duan, a 22-year-old student and Apple aficionado, came to the Apple store with her boyfriend when they heard the news. Ms. Duan said she owns an iPhone, iPad2, MacBook and MacBook Air.

在纽约第五大道的苹果专卖店外,一些苹果粉丝在店铺支架上写下给乔布斯的留言。来自布鲁克林的30岁学生萨尔曼(Gary Salmon)说:他还这么年轻就去世了,这太让人伤心了。他是个了不起的发明家。萨尔曼是在听说乔布斯去世的消息后来到店里的。

Will she keep buying Apple products? 'Probably,' she said. 'It depends on if they are still innovative.'

22岁的学生、苹果的狂热爱好者Yingi Duan与男友听到消息后一起来到苹果专卖店。Duan说她拥有iPhone、iPad2、MacBook和MacBook Air。

In Chicago, Zack Martin bought a set of tea lights and arranged them in line in front of an Apple store next to a small bouquet that had been left by someone else.


'I'm a computer programmer because of Steve,' said the 23-year-old, after kneeling to light the candles one after another.

在芝加哥,23岁的马丁(Zack Martin)带来一套小蜡烛,并将它们排列在苹果专卖店前的一小束鲜花旁。鲜花是另外的人留下的。

Mr. Jobs, he added, 'changed technology and probably the world -- from a garage to a multibillion-dollar industry.'


Late Wednesday evening outside the entrance to the downtown San Francisco Apple store, more mourners came by the lay bouquets. Fans taped two cards to the store's window.


'Thank you for all your gifts and ALWAYS taking care of the customer. We will miss you Steve,' read one card, which was signed by 'Genaro.'


On the other card, 'Theodore' wrote: 'You gave us the cloud of computing to join the ranks of humanity's greatest geniuses.'


Don Clark / Stu Woo / Dana Mattioli

