

Steven P. Jobs, the Apple Inc. (AAPL) chairman and co-founder who pioneered the personal computer industry and changed the way people think about technology, died Wednesday.

苹果公司(Apple Inc.)董事长、公司创始人之一乔布斯(Steven P. Jobs)于周三去世。他是个人电脑行业的先驱,改变了人们对科技的思考方式。

'Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countlessinnovations that enrich and improve all of our lives,' Apple said in a statement. 'The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.'


During his more than three decade-long career, Mr. Jobs transformed Silicon Valley as he helped turn the once sleepyexpanse of fruit orchards into the technology industry's innovation center. In addition to laying the groundwork for the modern high-tech industry alongside other pioneers like Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) co-founder Bill Gates and Oracle Corp. (ORCL) founder Larry Ellison, Mr. Jobs proved the appeal of well-designed intuitive products over the sheer power of technology itself and shifted the way consumers interact with technology in an increasingly digital world.

在三十多年的职业生涯中,乔布斯改变了硅谷,帮助这片曾经广袤荒凉的果园变成科技行业的创新中心。与微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)创始人之一盖茨(Bill Gates)和甲骨文公司(Oracle Corp.)创始人埃里森(Larry Ellison)一道,乔布斯为现代高科技产业奠定了基础。此外,他还证明了,具有视觉冲击力的设计优良产品比仅凭科技本身之力的产品更有吸引力,他同时改变了消费者在日益数字化的世界里与科技互动的方式。

Unlike those men, however, the most productive chapter in Mr. Jobs' career occurred near the end of his life, when a nearly unbroken string of innovative and wildly successful products like the iPod, iPhone and iPad fundamentally changed the PC, electronics and digital media industries. The way he marketed and sold those products through savvy advertising campaigns and its retail stores, in the meanwhile, helped turn the company into a pop culture icon.


At the beginning of that phase, Mr. Jobs once described his philosophy as trying to make products that were at 'the intersection of art and technology.'


In doing so, he turned Apple into one of the world's most valuable companies, with a market capitalization of $356.8 billion.


Mr. Jobs was 56 years old. After exhibiting significant weight loss in mid-2008, he took a nearly six month medical leave of absence in 2009, during which he received a liver transplant. He took another medical leave of absence in mid-January without explanation before stepping down as chief executive in August.


Mr. Jobs is survived by his wife, Laurene, and four children.


Although his achievements in technology alone were immense, Mr. Jobs played an equally groundbreaking role in entertainment. He turned Apple into the largest retailer of music and helped popularize computer-animated films as the financier and CEO of Pixar Animation Studios, which he later sold to Walt Disney Co. He was a key figure in changing the way people used the Internet and how they consumed music, TV shows, movies, books, disrupting industries in the process.

乔布斯单在科技领域就已经取得了举世瞩目的成就,但他在娱乐业发挥了同样具有开创性的作用。他让苹果成为了最大的音乐零售商,在担任皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar Animation Studios)投资人和首席执行长期间推动了电脑动画电影的普及。后来他将皮克斯卖给了华特•迪斯尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)。乔布斯在改变人们使用互联网的方式,消费音乐、电视剧、电影和书籍的方式方面是个关键人物。在这一过程中,他也颠覆多个行业。

Mr. Jobs also pulled off one of the most remarkable comebacks in modern business history, returning to Apple after an 11-year absence during which he was largely written off as a has-been and then reviving the then-struggling company by introducing products such as the iMac all-in-one computer, iPod music player and iTunes digital music store.


Beyond PCs

