
Lynette: "You knew about this?"

Tom: "Yeah."

(Lynette gasps.)

Tom: "Kind of. I mean, it was mostly in the past. I mean, I didn't know that he was still at it. I mean, I figured he was getting too old. In some strange way, I'm actually impressed, you know?"

Lynette: "Impressed? Impressed? I-Tom, please, please don't tell me you're all right with this!"

Tom: "I'm not! No! No! He should never have brought that woman over here!"

Lynette: "No, he should never have been with her in the first place!"

Tom: "I know, I know! But you know, that's who he is, and I mean, it's been going on for years. My mom's made peace with it."

Lynette: "I seriously doubt that."

Tom: "Look, you know, there's no point in talking about this. But, I'm going to go get my father, I'm going to bring him back in here, I'm going to put him in his room, and we can all just cool off."

Lynette: "That man is not coming back in this house."

Tom: "Yes, he is!"

Lynette: "No, he's not."

Tom: "Lynette. He is my father. This is my house. You can't tell me what to do."

(Lynette cocks her head and looks at him.)


(Tom and Rodney sit on the curb together.)

Rodney: "I say we go up there and kick the door down."

Tom: "Yeah, Dad, you do that. Let me know how that works out for you."

[John's Apartment]

(Gabrielle walks up to door 23 and knocks. A teenage boy opens it.)

Gabrielle: "Hi, um, I don't know if I have the right address. Does John Rowland live here?"

(A few minutes later, John herds Gabrielle into his room and closes the door behind them.)

John: "I'm really glad you came by. I was gonna call you again tomorrow."

Gabrielle: "Uh, yeah, I'm, I'm sorry I haven't returned any of your calls."

John: "It's okay. I'm just happy to see you. I heard about Mr. Solis. It sucks you had to take a job."

Gabrielle: "Yeah, well, you know me, I'll survive."

John: "Come here."

(He pulls her into an embrace. She hugs him, her hand on his back. When she pulls away, he goes to kiss her, and she pulls back further.)

Gabrielle: "Oh, no. John. I, uh, I didn't come here for that."

John: "What's wrong?"

Gabrielle: "Well, I heard that you're going full time with your gardening business. What happened to college?"

John: "I decided not to go."

Gabrielle: "Why?"

John: "Well, an opportunity has presented itself, and for me to take advantage of it, I need to start making money."

Gabrielle: "John, what opportunity is more important than college?"

John: "For the longest time, the only thing I had to offer you was my heart. Mr. Solis gave you security, and I couldn't compete. But now, he can't even offer you that. And I can. My business is taking off. I can take care of you. We can finally be together."

(John gets up and gets something, and then turns around and gets on his knee. He opens up a small black velvet box with a ring.)

John: "Mrs. Solis, will you marry me?"

[Susan's House]

(Julie opens up a jewelry box and takes out a pair of earrings. She turns to Susan, who's standing in the doorway.)

Julie: "Please. Why else would you want to chaperone the dance?"

Susan: "Mrs. Van de Kamp needed volunteers. She begged me."

Julie: "You're so transparent."

Susan: "Anyway, you won't even know I'm there."

(Julie looks at her.)

Susan: "Well, not too much. Julie, you know you can tell me anything, right?"

Julie: "Yeah, mom."

Susan: "So if you had a problem, or some sort of secret was weighing on you..."

Julie: "Of course! I tell you everything."

(She turns away.)

[Paul's House]

(Zach puts on a tie while looking into a mirror. Paul is behind him.)

Zach: "You know, I can't believe you're just uprooting us like this."

Paul: "We need a fresh start. Here."

(Paul helps Zach with his tie.)

Paul: "You want to get it about like this."

Zach: "So many bad things have happened around here. Finally I have someone I can talk to. It's like you want to take that away."

Paul: "You mean Julie?"

Zach: "Yeah."

Paul: "What bad things do you talk to her about? Do you talk to her about your mother?

Zach: "Yeah, and other stuff."

Paul: "Like what?"

(No answer.)

Paul: "Zach, like what?"

Zach: "Dad, this is what I've been trying to talk to you about. Okay, ever since mom died, I've, I've started to remember things. Just quick flashes, from when I was little."

Paul: "Nice and taut like this. What kind of things?"

Zach: "Lots of blood. Mom screaming. And Dana."

(Paul's hands still while fixing Zach's tie.)

Zach: "I remember killing Dana."

Paul: "You told this to Julie?"

Zach: "I trust her."

Paul: "Did she tell her mother?"

Zach: "I don't know."

Paul: "Start from the beginning. I want you to tell me everything that you told Julie."

[High School Gym]

(Students are dancing to the music. Zach walks through the crowd with a corsage in his hand. He finds Julie and walks up to her.)

Julie: "Hey! What's that?"

Zach: "Oh, well, I was going to give it to you, but I saw that the other girls weren't wearing flowers. I guess it's not that kind of dance. If you don't want to stand out, I'd understand."

Julie: "I like standing out."

(She holds out her wrist and Paul puts the flowers on her. They smile at each other.)

At the punch table, Bree sways to the music as she pours punch. Susan stands next to her, watching Paul.)

Susan: "What's Paul doing here?"

Bree: "Oh, he's chaperoning. He called a couple of hours ago and volunteered."

Susan: "Really?"

Bree: "Why, what's wrong?"

Susan: "Well, the other day he could have cared less about Julie and Zach dating, and now, all of a sudden, he shows up at the dance?"

Bree: "Maybe he's just trying to be supportive."

Susan: "Maybe."


(Rex walks up to the counter. George gives him a big smile.)

George: "Dr. Van de Kamp."

Rex: "Hello, George. My cardiologist phoned in a prescription."

George: "Oh, right, right. I've got it here somewhere."

(He turns around and begins searching through the prescriptions behind him.)

Rex: "So, have you seen Bree lately?"

George: "Yeah, I ran into her last night at the diner on Maple Avenue. We had a nice talk."

Rex: "That's all you did? Just talk?"

George: "We're just friends, Dr. Van de Kamp. Nothing more."

Rex: "That's good to hear. You know, if you ever do get a vibe from Bree that's she's interested in more than just friendship, I'd be careful if I were you."

George: "Excuse me?"

Rex: "I just want you to know that she's only be using you to even the score with me. Don't fall for it."

George: "Bree would never do anything like that. She's a lady."

Rex: "Exactly. A very beautiful, classy lady. Remember, they tend to end up with doctors, not pharmacists."

George: "Bree is very beautiful, and very classy, but she's not very perceptive. For instance, she thinks you're a good person, and it is now very clear to me, you aren't."

Rex: "I'd like my prescription now, George."

(George rifles through the bags in front of him, stopping when he sees the right one.)

George: "I can't seem to find it. I guess I'll have to have it delivered."

Rex: "Thank you."

George: "No, thank you."

(Rex leaves and George rips open the bag, opens the bottle, and throws the pills in the trash.)

[High School Gym]

(The song "Dust in the Wind" is playing. Paul walks around the gym. Susan pours punch for a student when Paul walks up to her.)

Susan: "Paul."

Paul: "Did you notice? They're playing a classic."

Susan: "Yeah."

Paul: "Care to dance?"

Susan: "I'd love to."

(They begin dancing.)

Susan: "I have a little confession to make."

Paul: "Oh?"

Susan: "I've been so concerned about Julie lately that I sort of eavesdropped on her the other day when she was having a phone conversation with Zach."

Paul: "Really?"

Susan: "They were having a very interesting conversation."

Paul: "About?"

Susan: "Zach was telling Julie about what happened to Dana."

Paul: "Was he now?"

Susan: "Yes."

Paul: "How much did you hear?"

Susan: "Everything."

Paul: "You realize it was an accident."

Susan: "Oh, of course. I assumed as much."

Paul: "He didn't mean to kill Dana. He was practically a baby himself. He didn't understand what he was doing."

Susan: "No, of course he didn't. So, what happened exactly?"

Paul: "Mary Alice and I never really knew. We heard the baby screaming. By the time we got up to the crib, it was too late."

Susan: "Paul, I am so sorry."

Paul: "Thank you."

(He adjusts his hand and puts it on her lower back, pulling her close.)

Susan: "So you and Mary Alice just kept this to yourselves all these years?"

Paul: "It was a very dark chapter in our lives. We preferred not to relive it. It was also a private family matter. I'd appreciate your discretion."

Susan: "Sure."

(They continue dancing.)

(Later, Paul and Zach walk to their car.)

Paul: "Did you have a good time?"

Zach: "Yeah, I did. It was great. Look, I want you to know that I'm really sorry I talked to Julie. But she did promise me that she wasn't going to say anything to her mom."

Paul: "It's okay. I handled Susan."

Zach: "Good."

Paul: "But we need to talk about these things that you think you remember. They're not true."

Zach: "How can they not be true?"

Paul: "Memories lie, Zach. You didn't kill anyone. Dana is very much alive."

[Outside Gabrielle's House]

(Gabrielle pulls into her driveway. As soon as she opens her door, Helen and Bob Rowland emerge from their own parked car across the street and head briskly over to Gabrielle. Gabrielle shoots a quick look at her house to make sure Carlos isn't coming out.)

Gabrielle: "Hi, what are you doing here?"

Helen Rowland: "Where is it?"

Gabrielle: "What?"

Helen: "The ring, Gabrielle. My grandmother's ring!"

Gabrielle: "John caught me off guard. Obviously I'm going to give back the ring."

Helen: "Well, you better, because make no mistake, if you try to ruin my son's life, I will ruin yours!"

Bob Rowland: "Helen, okay, go to the car! Come on, please, just, please..."

Gabrielle: "Obviously, I'm not leaving my husband and marrying John."

Bob Rowland: "Well, I think that's wise."

Gabrielle: "I'll talk to John tomorrow and give back the ring."

Bob Rowland: "Okay, good, good. We appreciate everything you've done."

(He turns to go.)

Gabrielle: "Hey, Bob! I get why she's so angry with me, but, what I don't get is, why you're so nice."

Bob Rowland: "Well, John's a big boy. Whatever happened between the two of you is his mistake as much as yours."

Gabrielle: "I guess. I understand if, uh, you hate me just a little."

(Bob looks over at Helen, sitting in the car and watching them closely.)

Bob Rowland: "When I was a kid, I always played by the rules. I never cheated on a test, never even missed a curfew. But I can't help but think how wonderful it would have been to have made at least one mistake like you."

Gabrielle: "That's sweet, you're, you're very sweet."

Bob Rowland: "Hmmm...I'm a little sweet. Mostly I'm just middle-aged."

(He turns and leaves.)

[Outside Paul's House]

(Paul pulls into his driveway and he and Zach get out of the car.)

Paul: "Are you okay? I know this is a lot to digest all at once."

Zach: "I'm fine. I'm just happy you finally told me the truth. One thing though. Why are you telling me all this now?"

Paul: "I couldn't let you keep thinking that you killed someone. No one should carry that kind of burden."

Zach: "Or you just didn't want me running my mouth."

Paul: "That's not what it's about."

Zach: "Yes, it is. I won't tell anyone. I'll keep your secret. Dad."

Paul: "Thank you."

Zach: "But we're not moving."

Paul: "That's out of the question."

Zach: "Well, I'm not leaving Julie, and if you want my support, that's the deal."

Paul: "And if I refuse?"

Zach: "You won't."

(He smiles and goes inside the house.)

[Lynette's House]

(Tom gets into bed and gets comfortable with a magazine. Lynette, sitting up against the headboard, watches him.)

Lynette: "So here's the thing, I feel really awful about how I acted before."

Tom: "For God's sake, Lynette, you threw me out of my own house."

Lynette: "I overreacted, I know. I'm sorry."

Tom: "Look, I know you love my mom, but how she decides to live her life, is, it's entirely up to her."

Lynette: "You're right. You're right. I guess I just got so upset because - oh, whatever, let's not beat a dead horse, it's over, I'm sorry, good night."

(She kisses him and rolls over and turns off the light, exhaling as she lies down.)

Tom: "Okay, get it off your chest."

Lynette: "Well, you knew your father was having an affair, and it didn't seem to bother you that much. And that worries me, because if you can find it in you to condone something like that, then what's gonna happen when you've been on the road for forty years?"

Tom: "Lynette, I'm not my father!"

Lynette: "I know, of course. You're not your father."

(She kisses him again. He opens his magazine.)

Lynette: "And just so we're absolutely clear, I am definitely not your mother, because if you ever betray me, I will leave you. I will take the kids, and I will walk out that door, and you will never see any of us again."

(She exhales loudly.)

Lynette: "Glad to get that off my chest. Thank you."

(She kisses him again.)

Lynette: "I love you!"

(She rolls over, missing the worried look on Tom's face.)

(Later that night, Rodney comes down the stairs and sees Tom sitting at the kitchen table.)

Grandpa Scavo: "Couldn't sleep, huh?"

Tom: "No."

Grandpa Scavo: "Me either. I'm so sorry about the ruckus I caused."

Tom: "That's okay, I'm not, uh, upset about that."

Grandpa Scavo: "No?"

Tom: "No."

Grandpa Scavo: "What's wrong?"

Tom: "There's something that Lynette doesn't know about, dad. Something that I did, and I don't know what's going to happen if she ever finds out."

[John's Apartment]

Mary Alice Voiceover: "The next morning, Gabrielle returned the engagement ring to her former lover, a gesture that was met with..."

(A glass shatters in the fireplace.)

Mary Alice Voiceover:"... measured enthusiasm."

Gabrielle: "Please, calm down!"

John: "It just doesn't make any sense. Okay, you love me, I know you love me!"

Gabrielle: "Love is not enough. Where would we live, here with your roommates? The only decoration in the bathroom is a bong!"

John: "We could get our own place!"

Gabrielle: "How? You're barely making minimum wage!"

John: "Okay, sure. We'd be poor at first, but we'd be happy."

Gabrielle: "I've tried poor but happy. Guess what. It wasn't that happy."

John: "Mr. Solis is going to jail. You want to stick around for that?"

Gabrielle: "I don't know. You know, every once in a while, even I want to do the right thing."

John: "Mrs. Solis, I love you so much! Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

Gabrielle: "Honestly, no. John, you're a toy. A sweet, dumb toy, so you might as well go to college, because you and me, no future!"

(John, with reddened eyes, storms past Gabrielle and slams the door. Gabrielle begins crying.)

[Susan's House, Nighttime]

Zach: "Ms. Mayer! Hey, is Julie home?"

Susan: "She's in the shower."

Zach: "Oh. Well, I just came by to give her some good news."

(He pushes past Susan into the house.)

Susan: "What's that?"

Zach: "Well, it turns out that my dad and I aren't moving after all."

Susan: "What?"

Zach: "Yeah, he reconsidered, so I guess we're going to keep living across the street."

Susan: "Okay. Wow, uh, wow. You know, uh, can you sit down? I need, uh to talk to you."

(She sits down at the kitchen table. Zach walks over to a small table and picks up the corsage he gave Julie at the dance. He smells the flowers.)

Zach: "Hey. You know that Julie is the first girl I ever gave a flower to?"

Susan: "Really."

Zach: "Yeah. Yeah, I really like her, Ms. Mayer."

Susan: "Zach, um, Julie is only fourteen years old, and sometimes girls, when they're that age they just don't always make the right decisions. And, um, as her mother, it is my responsibility to protect her."

Zach: "You want to protect her from me?"

Susan: "No, I, I just, I think that you should slow things down. I, I, I want you to not see her for awhile."

Zach: "No."

Susan: "No?"

Zach: "You're not taking her away from me."

Susan (chuckles): "Listen, I know being dramatic is the birthright of every teenager, but come on..."


(He turns over a table.)


Susan (harshly): "Thank you, Zach. You have just made this really easy for me. You are now forbidden from seeing or talking my daughter ever again! And if you come within ten feet of her, I will call the police, and I will have you arrested! Now get out!"

(Zach walks to the door. He stares down at the flower he was still holding, drops it on the ground, and then leaves. Susan picks up the flower and looks at it. She closes the door.)

[John's Apartment]

Mary Alice Voiceover: "Sooner or later, the time comes when we all must become responsible adults..."

(John looks at the ring and his father takes it from him, then pats him on the shoulder.)

[Gabrielle's House]

Mary Alice Voiceover:"...and learn to give up what we want, so we can choose to do what is right."

(Gabrielle climbs into bed with Carlos, who gives her a kiss, and then pulls up the covers.)

[Bree's House]

Mary Alice Voiceover: "Of course, a lifetime of responsibility isn't always easy."

(Bree gives Rex a glass of water and his medication from the pharmacy.)

[Lynette's House]

Mary Alice Voiceover: "And as the years go on, it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear."

(Lynette hugs Rodney as Tom leads him out of the house.)

[Susan's House]

Mary Alice Voiceover: "But still we try to do what is best, what is good."

(Susan, carrying a laundry basket, knocks on Julie's door.)

Mary Alice Voiceover: "Not only for ourselves, but for those we love."

(She doesn't go in the room, but we see the open window and the curtain blowing.)

[High School Gym]

(In the darkened gym, Zach paces. The door opens and Julie enters.)

Julie: "Hey!"

Zach: "I'm glad you came."

Julie: "Zach, I can't stay long. If my mom catches me, she'll freak."

Zach: "Come here."

(He holds out his hand. Julie walks forward and takes it.)

Julie: "She said I can't see you any more. What are we gonna do?"

Zach: "I'm not sure."

(They embrace.)

Mary Alice Voiceover: "Yes, sooner or later we must all become responsible adults. No one knows this better than the young."

~ The End ~



  • episode [´episəud] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.插曲;一段情节 四级词汇

  • spanking [´spæŋkiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.打屁股 a.急速的 四级词汇

  • happening [´hæpəniŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.事件,偶然发生的事 四级词汇

  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇

  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇

  • holding [´həuldiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.保持,固定,存储 六级词汇

  • peanut [´pi:nʌt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.花生(米) 四级词汇

  • retirement [ri´taiəmənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.退休;撤退;幽静处 四级词汇

  • upstairs [,ʌp´steəz] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.在楼上 a.楼上的 四级词汇

  • blouse [blauz] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.女衬衫;短上衣 四级词汇

  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇

  • devastate [´devəsteit] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.毁坏,使成废墟 六级词汇

  • illegal [i´li:gəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不合法的,非法的 六级词汇

  • immigration [,imi´greiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.移民入境 四级词汇

  • magical [´mædʒikəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.有魔术的,神奇的 六级词汇

  • suitcase [´su:tkeis, ´sju:t] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.手提箱 六级词汇

  • console [kən´səul] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.安慰;慰问 四级词汇

  • briskly [´briskli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.轻快地;活泼地 四级词汇

  • grandpa [´grænpɑ:] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.爷爷;外公 四级词汇

  • bathroom [´bɑ:θrum, -ru:m] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.浴室;盥洗室 四级词汇

  • birthright [´bə:θrait] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.生来就有的权利 六级词汇

  • laundry [´lɔ:ndri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.洗衣店;待洗的衣服 四级词汇

