


Yes, he is dead, Teucer: of that be sure.

Alas, how then can I endure my fate!

Since thus it is...

O wretched, wretched me!

Thou hast cause to moan.

O swift and cruel woe!

Too cruel, Teucer!

Woe is me! But say-
His child-where shall I find him? Tell me where.

Alone within the tent.

Then with all speed

Go, bring him hither" target="_blank" title="ad.到那里 a.那边的">thither, lest some foe should snatch him
Like a whelp from a lioness bereaved.

Away! See it done quickly! All men are wont
To insult over the dead, once they lie low.

(TECMESSA departs.)

Yes, Teucer, while he lived, did he not charge thee
To guard his son from harm, as now thou dost?

O sight most grievous to me of all sights

That ever I have looked on with my eyes!
And hatefullest of all paths to my soul

This path that now has led me to thy side,
O dearest Ajax, when I heard thy fate,

While seeking thee I tracked thy footsteps out.
For a swift rumour, as from some god, ran

Through the Greek host that thou wast dead and gone.
While yet far off I heard it, and groaned deep

In anguish; now I see, and my life dies.
Ay me!

Uncover. Let me behold woe's very worst.
(The cover is lifted from the body.)

O ghastly sight! victim of ruthless courage!
What miseries hast thou dying sown for me!

Whither, among what people, shall I go,
Who in thy troubles failed to give thee succour?

Oh doubtless Telamon, thy sire and mine,
With kind and gracious face is like to greet me,

Returned without thee: how else?-he who is wont
Even at good news to smile none the sweeter.

What will he keep back? What taunt not hurl forth
Against the bastard of a spear-won slave,

Him who through craven cowardice betrayed
Thee, beloved Ajax-or by guile, that so

I might inherit thy kingdom and thy house.
So will he speak, a passionate man, grown peevish

In old age, quick to wrath without a cause.
Then shall I be cast off, a banished man,

Proclaimed no more a freeman but a slave.
Such is the home that waits me; while at Troy

My foes are many, my well-wishers few.
All this will be my portion through thy death.

Ah me, what shall I do? How draw thee, brother,
From this fell sword, on whose bright murderous point

Thou hast breathed out thy soul? See how at last
Hector, though dead, was fated to destroy thee!

Consider, I pray, the doom of these two men.
Hector, with that same girdle Ajax gave him

Was lashed fast to Achilles' chariot rail
And mangled till he had gasped forth his life.

And 'twas from him that Ajax had this gift,
The blade by which he perished and lies dead.

Was it not some Erinys forged this sword,
And Hades the grim craftsman wrought that girdle?

I at least would maintain that the gods plan
These things and all things ever for mankind.

But whosoever's judgment likes not this,
Let him uphold his doctrine as I mine.

Speak no more, but take counsel how to inter

Our dear lord, and what now it were best to say:
For 'tis a foe I see. Perchance he comes

To mock our misery, villain that he is.

What chieftain of the host do you behold?

Menelaus, for whose sake we voyaged hither.

'Tis he. I know him well, now he is near.
(MENELAUS enters with his retinue.)

You, Sir, I warn you, raise not yonder corpse

For burial, but leave it as it lies.

For what cause do you waste such swelling words?

'Tis my will, and his will who rules the host.

Let us know then what pretext you allege.

We hoped that we had brought this man from home
To be a friend and champion for the Greeks:

But a worse than Phrygian foe on trial we found him.
Devising death for the whole host, by night

He sallied forth against us, armed for slaughter.
And had not some god baffled this exploit,

Ours would have been the lot which now is his:
While we lay slain by a most shameful doom,

He would have still been living. But his outrage,
Foiled by a god, has fallen on sheep and herds.

Wherefore there lives no man so powerful
That he shall lay this corpse beneath a tomb;

But cast forth somewhere upon the yellow sands
It shall become food for the sea-shore birds.

Then lift not up your voice in threatening fury.
If while he lived we could not master him,

Yet in death will we rule him, in your despite,
Guiding him with our hands, since in his life

At no time would he hearken to my words.
Yet 'tis a sign of wickedness, when a subject

Deigns not to obey those placed in power above him.
For never can the laws be prosperously

Stablished in cities where awe is not found;
Nor may a camp be providently ruled

Without the shield of dread and reverence.
Yea, though a man be grown to mighty bulk,

Let him look lest some slight mischance o'erthrow him.
He with whom awe and reverence abide,

Doubt not, will flourish in security.
But where outrage and licence are not checked,

Be sure that state, though sped by prosperous winds,
Some day at last will founder in deep seas.

Yes, fear should be established in due season.
Dream not that we can act as we desire,

Yet avoid payment of the price in pain.
Well, fortune goes by turns. This man was fiery

And insolent once: 'tis mine now to exult.
I charge thee, bury him not, lest by that act

Thou thyself shouldst be digging thine own grave,

Menelaus, do not first lay down wise precepts,
Then thyself offer outrage to the dead.

Never, friends, shall I marvel any more,

If one of low birth acts injuriously,
When they who are accounted nobly born

Can utter such injurious calumnies.

Come, once more speak. You say you brought him hither?
Took him to be a champion of the Greeks?

Did he not sail as his own master, freely?
How are you his chieftain? How have you the right

To lord it o'er the folk he brought from home?
As Sparta's lord you came, not as our master.

In no way was it your prerogative
To rule him, any more than he could you.

As vassal of others you sailed hither, not
As captain of us all, still less of Ajax.

Go, rule those whom you may rule: chastise them
With proud words. But this man, though you forbid me,

Aye, and your fellow-captain, by just right
Will I lay in his grave, scorning your threats.

It was not for the sake of your lost wife
He came to Troy, like your toil-broken serfs,

But for the sake of oaths that he had sworn,
Not for yours. What cared he for nobodies?

Then come again and bring more heralds hither,
And the captain of the host. For such as you

I would not turn my head, for all your bluster.

Such speech I like not, either, in peril's midst:
For harsh words rankle, be they ne'er so just.

This bowman, it seems, has pride enough to spare.

Yes, 'tis no mean craft I have made my own.

How big would be your boasts, had you a shield!

Shieldless, I would outmatch you panoplied.

How terrible a courage dwells within your tongue!

He may be bold of heart whose side right favours.

Is it right that my assassin should be honoured?

Assassin? How strange, if, though slain, you live!

Heaven saved me: I was slain in his intent.

Do not dishonour then the gods who saved you.

What, I rebel against the laws of heaven?

Yes, if you come to rob the dead of burial.

My own foes! How could I endure such wrong?

Did Ajax ever confront you as your foe?

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