
industry is labour. In that territory was a population of

400,000,000 souls - one quarter of the then total population of the
earth. Furthermore, the Chinese were excellent workers, while

their fatalistic philosophy (or religion) and their stolid nervous
organization constituted them splendid soldiers - if they were

properly managed. Needless to say, Japan was prepared to furnish
that management.

But best of all, from the standpoint of Japan, the Chinese was a
kindred race. The baffling enigma of the Chinese character to the

West was no baffling enigma to the Japanese. The Japanese
understood as we could never school ourselves or hope to

understand. Their mental processes were the same. The Japanese
thought with the same thought-symbols as did the Chinese, and they

thought in the same peculiar grooves. Into the Chinese mind the
Japanese went on where we were balked by the obstacle of

incomprehension. They took the turning which we could not
perceive, twisted around the obstacle, and were out of sight in the

ramifications of the Chinese mind where we could not follow. They
were brothers. Long ago one had borrowed the other's written

language, and, untold generations before that, they had diverged
from the common Mongol stock. There had been changes,

differentiations brought about by diverse conditions and infusions
of other blood; but down at the bottom of their beings, twisted

into the fibres of them, was a heritage in common, a sameness in
kind that time had not obliterated.

And so Japan took upon herself the management of China. In the
years immediately following the war with Russia, her agents swarmed

over the Chinese Empire. A thousand miles beyond the last mission
station toiled her engineers and spies, clad as coolies, under the

guise of itinerant merchants or proselytizing Buddhist priests,
noting down the horse-power of every waterfall, the likely sites

for factories, the heights of mountains and passes, the strategic
advantages and weaknesses, the wealth of the farming valleys, the

number of bullocks in a district or the number of labourers that
could be collected by forced levies. Never was there such a

census, and it could have been taken by no other people than the
dogged, patient, patriotic Japanese.

But in a short time secrecy was thrown to the winds. Japan's
officers reorganized the Chinese army; her drill sergeants made the

mediaeval warriors over into twentieth century soldiers, accustomed
to all the modern machinery of war and with a higher average of

marksmanship than the soldiers of any Western nation. The
engineers of Japan deepened and widened the intricatesystem of

canals, built factories and foundries, netted the empire with
telegraphs and telephones, and inaugurated the era of railroad-

building. It was these same protagonists of machine-civilization
that discovered the great oil deposits of Chunsan, the iron

mountains of Whang-Sing, the copper ranges of Chinchi, and they
sank the gas wells of Wow-Wee, that most marvellous reservoir of

natural gas in all the world.
In China's councils of empire were the Japanese emissaries. In the

ears of the statesmen whispered the Japanese statesmen. The
political reconstruction of the Empire was due to them. They

evicted the scholar class, which was violentlyreactionary, and put
into office progressive officials. And in every town and city of

the Empire newspapers were started. Of course, Japanese editors
ran the policy of these papers, which policy they got direct from

Tokio. It was these papers that educated and made progressive the
great mass of the population.

China was at last awake. Where the West had failed, Japan
succeeded. She had transmuted Western culture and achievement into

terms that were intelligible to the Chinese understanding. Japan
herself, when she so suddenly awakened, had astounded the world.

But at the time she was only forty millions strong. China's
awakening, with her four hundred millions and the scientific

advance of the world, was frightfully astounding. She was the
colossus of the nations, and swiftly her voice was heard in no

uncertain tones in the affairs and councils of the nations. Japan
egged her on, and the proud Western peoples listened with

respectful ears.
China's swift and remarkable rise was due, perhaps more than to

anything else, to the superlative quality of her labour. The
Chinese was the perfect type of industry. He had always been that.

For sheer ability to work no worker in the world could compare with
him. Work was the breath of his nostrils. It was to him what

wandering and fighting in far lands and spiritual adventure had
been to other peoples. Liberty, to him, epitomized itself in

access to the means of toil. To till the soil and labour
interminably was all he asked of life and the powers that be. And

the awakening of China had given its vast population not merely
free and unlimitedaccess to the means of toil, but access to the

highest and most scientific machine-means of toil.
China rejuvenescent! It was but a step to China rampant. She

discovered a new pride in herself and a will of her own. She began
to chafe under the guidance of Japan, but she did not chafe long.

On Japan's advice, in the beginning, she had expelled from the
Empire all Western missionaries, engineers, drill sergeants,

merchants, and teachers. She now began to expel the similar
representatives of Japan. The latter's advisory statesmen were

showered with honours and decorations, and sent home. The West had
awakened Japan, and, as Japan had then requited the West, Japan was

not requited by China. Japan was thanked for her kindly aid and
flung out bag and baggage by her gigantic protege. The Western

nations chuckled. Japan's rainbow dream had gone glimmering. She
grew angry. China laughed at her. The blood and the swords of the

Samurai would out, and Japan rashly went to war. This occurred in
1922, and in seven bloody months Manchuria, Korea, and Formosa were

taken away from her and she was hurled back, bankrupt, to stifle in
her tiny, crowded islands. Exit Japan from the world drama.

Thereafter she devoted herself to art, and her task became to
please the world greatly with her creations of wonder and beauty.

Contrary to expectation, China did not prove warlike. She had no
Napoleonic dream, and was content to devote herself to the arts of

peace. After a time of disquiet, the idea was accepted that China
was to be feared, not in war, but in commerce. It will be seen

that the real danger was not apprehended. China went on
consummating her machine-civilization. Instead of a large standing

army, she developed an immensely larger and splendidly efficient
militia. Her navy was so small that it was the laughing stock of

the world; nor did she attempt to strengthen her navy. The treaty
ports of the world were never entered by her visiting battleships.

The real danger lay in the fecundity of her loins, and it was in
1970 that the first cry of alarm was raised. For some time all

territories adjacent to China had been grumbling at Chinese
immigration; but now it suddenly came home to the world that

China's population was 500,000,000. She had increased by a hundred
millions since her awakening. Burchaldter called attention to the

fact that there were more Chinese in existence than white-skinned
people. He performed a simple sum in arithmetic. He added

together the populations of the United States, Canada, New Zealand,
Australia, South Africa, England, France, Germany, Italy, Austria,

European Russia, and all Scandinavia. The result was 495,000,000.
And the population of China overtopped this tremendous total by

5,000,000. Burchaldter's figures went round the world, and the
world shivered.

For many centuries China's population had been constant. Her
territory had been saturated with population; that is to say, her

territory, with the primitive method of production, had supported
the maximum limit of population. But when she awoke and

inaugurated the machine-civilization, her productive power had been
enormously increased. Thus, on the same territory, she was able to

support a far larger population. At once the birth rate began to
rise and the death rate to fall. Before, when population pressed

against the means of subsistence, the excess population had been

