


  The Tortoise and the Eagle乌龟与鹰

  A TORTOISE, lazily basking in the sun, complained to the

  sea-birds of her hard fate, that no one would teach her to fly.

  An Eagle, hovering near, heard her lamentation and demanded what

  reward she would give him if he would take her aloft and float

  her in the air. "I will give you," she said, "all the riches of the Red

  Sea ." "I will teach you to fly then," said the Eagle; and taking her

  up in his talons he carried her almost to the clouds suddenly he let

  her go, and she fell on a lofty mountain, dashing her shell to pieces

  . The Tortoise exclaimed in the moment of death: "I have deserved

  my present fate; for what had I to do with wings and clouds, who

  can with difficulty move about on the earth?'

  If men had all they wished, they would be often ruined.

  乌龟看见鹰在空中飞翔,便请求鹰教他飞行。鹰劝告他,说他不能飞行。可乌龟再三恳 求,鹰便抓住他,飞到高空,然后将他松开。乌龟落在岩石上,被摔得粉身碎骨。


  The Flies and the Honey-Pot苍蝇与蜜

  A NUMBER of Flies were attracted to a jar of honey which had

  been overturned in a housekeeper's room, and placing their feet in

  it, ate greedily. Their feet, however, became so smeared with the

  honey that they could not use their wings, nor release themselves,

  and were suffocated. Just as they were expiring, they exclaimed,

  "O foolish creatures that we are, for the sake of a little pleasure we

  have destroyed ourselves."

  Pleasure bought with pains, hurts.

  房里有蜜漏流出来,许多苍蝇便飞去饱餐起来。蜂蜜太甜美了,他们舍不得走。然而, 就在这时他们的脚被蜜粘住,再也飞不起来了。他们后悔不已,嗡嗡乱叫:"我们真不幸, 因贪图一时的享受而丧了命。"


  The Man and the Lion人与同行的狮子

  A MAN and a Lion traveled together through the forest. They soon

  began to boast of their respectivesuperiority to each other in

  strength and prowess. As they were disputing, they passed a

  statue carved in stone, which represented "a Lion strangled by a

  Man." The traveler pointed to it and said: "See there! How strong

  we are, and how we prevail over even the king of beasts." The

  Lion replied: "This statue was made by one of you men. If we

  Lions knew how to erect statues, you would see the Man placed

  under the paw of the Lion."

  One story is good, till another is told.


  看见一块石碑,石碑上 刻着一个人征服几头狮子的图画。那人一边指给狮子看,一边说:"你看,事实证明我们比 你们强得多了吧。"狮子笑着说道:"如果狮子们会雕刻,那么你就会看见众多人倒在狮子 脚下。"


  • tortoise [´tɔ:təs] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(乌)龟 四级词汇
  • lazily [´leizili] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.懒惰地,慢吞吞地 六级词汇
  • lamentation [,læmen´teiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.悲痛,哀悼,痛哭 四级词汇
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • dashing [´dæʃiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.勇猛的;生气勃勃的 六级词汇
  • traveled [´trævəld] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.见面广的;旅客多的 四级词汇
  • respective [ri´spektiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.各自的,各个的 四级词汇
  • superiority [su:piəri´ɔriti, sju:-] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.优越,卓越 四级词汇
  • prowess [´prauis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.勇猛;技术;本领 四级词汇

