


ow int.哎呦

slipslipped, slippedv. 滑到,滑了一脚

fallfell, fallenv. 落下,跌倒; n. 秋天

downstairs adv.下楼 (upstairs 上楼)

hurthurt, hurtv. 伤, 伤害, 疼痛

back n.

stand up起立,站起来

help v.帮助

at once立即

sure adj.一定的,确信的

X-ray n. X光透视

slipslipped, slippedv. 滑到,滑了一脚

v. 滑倒

She slipped and fell down on the wet stones.

v. 滑落;脱落

The soap slipped out of her hand.肥皂从她的手上滑落。

v. 下滑;下跌

Profits continue to slip this year.利润今年呈持续下跌趋势。

v. 遗忘;忽略

Our wedding anniversary completely slipped my mind.


hurthurt, hurtv. 伤, 伤害, 疼痛

v. 弄痛;使受伤

He fell off the bicycle and hurt his leg.

v. 危害;损害

The case has hurt his reputation.那个案件损害了他的声誉。

I don't mean to hurt you.我本无意伤害你的感情。

help v. 帮助

v. 帮助;援助;救助

He devoted his life to helping the disabled.


help sb. do sth. / help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事

help each other彼此帮助

v. 对......有帮助;对......有好处

My knowledge of French helped me a lot while I was travelling in France.


Humour can help in a tense situation.幽默能够缓和紧张局面。

③ n.帮助

ask for help:求救

call for help:求救

seek help:求救

effective help有效的帮助

mutual help:互相帮助

timely help及时的帮助

give help to sb.给某人提供帮助

offer help to sb.



I feel helpless.

a helping hand助手


文章标签:新概念英语  新概念英语第一册    
