



come through动词+副词

The sun comes through after days of rain.(连日阴雨后太阳出来了。)这里come through表示出现。

A Bao's ability came through at the 2004 CCTV Starlight Boulevard final.(阿宝的才华在04年央视星光大道总决赛中显露出来。)这里come through表示清楚展现。

A cameraman was taking video pictures near the World Trade Center when the hijacked passenger plane hit the building, but he came through unharmed.(被劫持的客机撞向世贸大楼时,一位摄影师正在附近拍电视,但他幸免于难。)这里come through表示大难不死或挺过难关。后一意义还表示某人总能做到需要做的事,值得信赖。如

I knew that in the end he would come through with the answer to our difficulty.(我相信他最终能找到解决困难的办法。)

come through动词+介词

Actor Fu Biao came through his first lever operation cheerfully.(付彪的第一次肝脏手术很成功。)这里come through something表示经历某种危难如疾病、战争后仍生存下来。

A feeling of sadness comes through Chopin's music.(萧邦的音乐中流露出一种伤感。)这里come through something表示从某事物中可以看到或体会到什么。

come to动词+副词

As the wind dropped, the boat came to.(风力减弱船停了。)这里come to表示船只等停止开动。

come to动词+介词

The bill comes to ¥550.(帐单共计550元。)这里come to something表示达到某一总数。也可表示达到某种状态,如

When the water comes to the boil, add the milk powder. (水开了后就加奶粉。)

It's no use coming to this kind of work with already formed ideas.(带着已有的观念去作这类工作没有好处。)这里come to something with表示带着某种思想或心态去做某种事情。

Fame came to Zhou Xuan while she was still young.(周璇年轻时就出名了。)周璇(1918-1957)是上世纪三,四十年代中国红极一时的影星,歌星。她原唱的"天涯歌女","四季歌","夜上海","何日君再来"等歌曲堪称百年经典。这里come to someone 表示发生或涉及到某人。也可表示某人得到财产或遗产,如

A huge sum of money came to Gong Ruxin after her husband's disappearance.(老公失踪后龚如心得到一大笔财产。)龚如心是华懋集团董事长,她老公王德辉1990年失踪。

The boy has a strong character, he will come to much.(这孩子有自强不息的精神,一定大有出息。)这里come to表示某人事业成功。但come to也可以表示某人落魄,那就要看语言环境了。如

He came to selling cigarettes on street corners.(他落魄到在街边卖香烟的地步。)

Acting came naturally to Shirley Temple.(秀兰·邓波儿天生就会表演。)这里come naturally to someone表示某人生来就会某种事情。秀兰·邓波儿是上世纪美国最受人喜爱的童星,她主演的影片如亮眼睛(Bright Eyes),小上校(The Little Colonel),小叛逆(The Littlest Rebel)等深受广大观众欢迎。

The Palestine-Israel conflict has come to the boil because of the recent suicide bombing.(最近的自杀式炸弹袭击使巴以冲突达到白热化。)这里come to the boil指达到极度紧张状态。

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