



The New Hope Group has been on the map for over ten years. (新希望集团出名十多年了。) be on the map表示著名。看看很多城市地图, 只有著名的企业才能标在上面。

The portable PC that the young man is peddling must have fallen off a lorry. (那个年轻人兜售的手提电脑可能是贼<四川话念zúi>货。) fall off a lorry表示扒车贼从货车上扒下的货物,即偷来的赃物,贼货。这是英国人的用法。

The other Chinese Go players have been out: they hope that Luo Xihe could pick up the pieces.(其他中国围棋手都出局了,他们希望罗洗河能够收拾残局。)pick up the pieces直译是检起碎片,意思是收拾破碎的局面。

With many top players being absent through injuries, the Rockets had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get a full team, and then lost to the Lakers 90-105. (由于许多主力队员受伤缺阵, 火箭队只好勉强拼凑一个阵容, 结果以90比105输给了湖人。) scrape the bottom of the barrel直译是刮桶底。别人把桶里的酒都喝光了,只剩下桶底的一点点。这时也只好将就喝了,总比没有强。所以这个惯用语的意思是将就使用现有的东西。

I shan't complain about the poor show since the ticket was free; after all, you don't look a gift horse in the mouth.(演出再歪我都没意见,反正是免费票;总不能当叫花子还要挑施舍。)look a gift horse in the mouth意思是送你一匹马你还要挑牙口。北方人的调侃说法就是当叫花子还要挑吃的。

I gave the dog some lovely sausages, and he just looked down his nose at it.(我给了小狗几根上好的香肠,它却不屑一顾。)look down one's nose at就是瞧不上的意思。想想你如果从自己的鼻尖上去看一件东西,那只能是昂着头,乜斜着眼。不屑的神情活灵活现。

Georges d'Anthes laid siege to Natalya for two years before she accepted him. (丹特士死缠烂打追求娜塔莉娅整整两年,最后她答应了他。) lay siege to someone表示死死追求某人,就像包围城池毫不放松一样。法国军官丹特士与俄国著名诗人普希金的妻子娜塔莉娅·冈察洛娃有暧昧关系,诗人与他决斗身亡。


You've been caught cheating; now you must face the music.(你的骗局已经戳穿,这下子你只好吃不了兜着走。)face the music表示自食其果。马上就要吃苦头,还说是听音乐,英国人的幽默真可以!

Drinks are on the house tonight! (酒水今晚免费!)on the house是饭店老板请客的意思。

Zhang Yimou is really going to town on "Curse of the Golden Flower", ordering costly dresses, building luxurious sceneries and recruiting D-cup girls,etc.(张艺谋拍"满城尽带黄金甲"不计成本,定制昂贵服装,搭建豪华外景,招募大胸美女,等等。)go to town表示搞什么事都不遗余力,特别是不计费用。

New York public transportations have been off-limits for several days.(纽约公交系统已经停运好几天了。)be off-limits意思是关门(closed)或不营业(not available)。原来的用法是be off-limits to certain people = be forbidden to certain people to enter,即禁止某些人入内。例如,The town's bars are off-limits to troops.(军人不能进入该市酒吧。)

英语还有一个表示死的惯用语kick the bucket,直译是踢水桶。这怎么和死扯上了关系?原来有一个故事。说是一百多年前一个美国内战老兵退伍回到家乡,穷愁潦倒;最后站在一个水桶上把颈子伸进绳套,踢开水桶吊死了。以后kick the bucket就成了表示死的隐喻说法。相当于汉语的蹬腿儿。
  • portable [´pɔ:təbəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.轻便的 n.手提打字机 六级词汇
  • scrape [skreip] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.&n.刮,削,擦;搔 四级词汇
  • luxurious [lʌg´zjuəriəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.奢侈的;豪华的 四级词汇

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