

  本课您将学到:tear的含义,in vain短语,the first and the last time句型


  The last day of the entire school year, all I have left is my math exam and I would be home free for summer.


  Mr. Ward goes to the front and starts handing out the tests by rows. After explaining the rules of the test, he said very clearly and concisely(简洁地), "If you cheat, I will take your test and tear it up. You will get a 0 for the biggest grade of the year. So folks, if you haven't figured it out, that's a bad thing."


  Mr. Ward was staring right at one of the kids that seemed to be only half way done with his test. Every test we took, there was always that one guy scrambling(仓促行动) at the last minute to finish his test.


  After the test was finished, Mr. Ward gave his end of the year speech. Then I saw him beckon(示意召唤) to the kid he was watching and tell the kid to go in the hall. He closed the door and from that moment on, I heard about 4 minutes of Mr. Ward yelling at the kid. That was the first and the last time that I have seen Mr. Ward ever yell like that. Apparently the guy had written his answers inside the sleeve(套子) of the calculator(计算器) and every time he was "using his calculator" he was really looking at the formulas(公式) and other stuff he had written inside of the sleeve, which was all in vain because Mr. Ward spotted(发现) it a mile away.



