



  On the edge of the Arctic Ocean at Point Barrow, several fur-clad Eskimos gaze(凝视) intently(专心地) at a narrow area of blue water between the ice floes(浮冰) where a great creature of the sea comes closer and closer. They watch anxiously as she surfaces(浮出水面), blows a stream of water into the air and disappears, only to surface later a little nearer.

  在北冰洋沿岸的Point Barrow,几个穿着皮衣的爱斯基摩人专注的凝视着大块浮冰间狭窄的蓝色海面,一个巨大的海洋生物从哪儿游了过来。人们焦急地等待她露出水面,喷出水气然后消失,不一会儿又在附近现身。

  Finally the huge 30-ton bowhead whale(北极鲸) comes up almost close enough to touch. One man rushes(冲) toward him with a harpoon(鱼叉) gun. He thrusts(用力推) the gun hard against the whale's side and explodes(使爆炸) a cartridge(弹药) that goes through the bowhead's skin. The mammal(哺乳动物) dives(下潜) again but in a few minutes he floats(飘浮), belly(腹部) upward, to the surface of the sea.


  A man raises a flag on a nearby pole(杆) to signal(标示) the catch. By the time the boat crew(全体船员) has towed(拖) the carcass(尸体) to the edge of the ice, villagers are streaming(涌动) toward it. Villagers grab(匆忙抓住) the line around the fluke of the whale and haul(拖) away with shouts and laughter. Slowly the carcass, more than four times the weight of a bull elephant(公象), appears on the ice to be cut up, dragged to the village and stored in pits in the permanently(永久地) frozen(冰冻的) ground.  

  • carcass [´kɑ:kəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(动物的)尸体 四级词汇

