

  本月的人物专访中我们将采访一位事业非常成功的女士 - 马慧云,她是驻中国联合国开发署北京代表处的项目官员。


  注意要记一下重要的词汇,这些词汇在页面下方有解释。在 'Quiz' 页你可以做个测试。
The next guest in our series of business profile interviews is a woman with a successful career in an important, international organisation. Ma Huiyun is a programme manager with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in China. The UNDP is the development section of the United Nations organisation.

In the first part of the interview, Ma Huiyun talks about her work.
  What is your role in the UNDP?
  Read Ma Huiyun'sdescription of her work.

We asked Ma Huiyun to tell us more about the UN Millennium Development Goals.
  How will the UN Millenium Development Goals be achieved?
  Read Ma Huiyun's comments.

The UN Millennium Development Goals have been designed to reduce poverty and to improve the lives of millions of people around the world. There are eight goals, each with specific targets. We asked Ma Huiyun to outline some of these.
  What are some of the objectives of the UN Millennium Development goals?
  Read Ma Huiyun'sdescription of some of the goals.

If you want to read in more detail about the work of the UNDP and the Millennium Development goals, then take a look at the UNDP China website.

Now, take a look at the Glossary and then listen to the second half of our interview with Ma Huiyun.
South-South co-operation 南南合作
initiatives(pl. n.) 重要的活动
timeframe (n.) 时间框架
halve (v.) 减半
concrete (adj.) 具体的
accessibility (n.) 获得的机会
eradicate (v.) 消除
universal (adj.) 普遍的
promote gender equality 推进性别平等
empower (v.) 使获得权力
