


It's not every day that you get to meet the Real Santa Claus, so your in2english team prepared carefully for this interview.

We wanted to find out about the man himself and about the charity work that keeps him busy. And, on your behalf, we asked if he has any advice for busy professional people.
  Please introduce yourself to visitors to the in2english website.
  Meet the Real Santa Claus.
  Tell us about your work.
  Read about Santa'scharity work.
  Do you have any special advice for busyprofessional people like yourself?
  Read Santa's advice for busy professionals.
  In your work, you talk to many children. What do they say to you?
  What do children say to Santa?

Well, you have now met the Real Santa Claus from Sweden.
Take a quick look at the Glossary below, and you will then be ready for our Real Santa Claus Language Quiz.
charity work 慈善工作
on your behalf 代表你们
tradition (n.) 传统
