

  Howard Wu (吴喜华),澳大利亚国立卧龙岗大学经济学博士,卧龙岗大学工商管理研究生院教授,现供职于(中国)电大在线网络教育技术有限公司。我们就他的业务和他在工作中使用英语的情况问了一些问题。在本页,我们来听听他对自己公司情况的介绍。

  注意:CCRTVU 和 CRTVU 都指的都是中央广播电视大学(China Central Radio and TV University)。  
Listen to Howard Wu talk about the company he works for. While you are listening, try to find the answer to the questions.

What is the short name of the company that Howard Wu works for?

  Company Name
  Listen first and then read the transcript

What kind of company is it

  The Company
  Listen first and then read the transcript

What kind of services does his company provide

  Listen first and then read the transcript

In what way is CRTVU the largest university in the world ?

  Listen first and then read the transcript

How many staff work for TCL in China ?

  Listen first and then read the transcript
joint venture 合资企业
specialist (n.) 专家
accredited (adj.) 得以授权的
institution (n.) 院校
campus (n.) 校园
in terms of 就......来说
staff (n.) 职员
turnover (n.) 营业额
