

Working as a journalist on TV can be very stressful. What qualities do you need to be a good reporter or news journalist?

  Listen - and try to answer the question.
  The qualities of a good journalist.

You also need to have technicalability - especially when you are reporting.

What other skills are important?

  Listen - and then read the transcript.
  Important skills forworking in television

Working as a journalist on TV is all about teamwork. Zhang Ling has to work with many different people.

How does she prepare for a live news broadcast?

  Listen - and try to answer the question.
  Preparations before a live broadcast.

stressful (adj.) 压力很大的
technician (n.) 技术人员
mics 麦克风
live news broadcast 直播的新闻广播
run-down (n.) 纲要
producer (n.) 制片人
copy-editor (n.) 拷贝编辑
link (n.) 连接
voice-over (n.) 画外音
feel comfortable with 感到很舒服
