
    女:心涛,你找到打工的地方了吗?    男:我找到了两个地方。    女:哇,你为什么这么拼命地赚钱了?    男:因为我谈恋爱了,我得赚够零花钱呀。    女:哦,原来如此。     Woman: Xin Tao, Did you find a place to do a temporary job?
Man: I found two places.
W: Well, why do you work this hard to earn money?
M: I have to earn enough pocket money because I'm dating a girlfriend.
W: Oh, I see.

-- benchannevy@

Lesson Summary:
Do you have pocket money? Do you have a girlfriend? Does she spend your pocket money? Lesson Content: Woman: Xin Tao, Did you find a place to do a temporary job?
Man: I found two places.
W: Well, why do you work this hard to earn money?
M: I have to earn enough pocket money because I'm dating a girlfriend.
W: Oh, I see.