

英文Collateralized Debt Obligation的缩写,指以债券、贷款或其他资产的组合为抵押而发行的有资产担保的证券。发起人以作为抵押的资产,组合成立特定目的投资机构(SPV),由SPV发行CDO。 CDO的信用评级有时可高过所有作为抵押的个别资产,但其风险的透明度可能会有所降低。CDO的结构与CMO(抵押担保证券,collateralized mortgage obligation)和CBO(债券担保证券,collateralized bond obligation)类似。不同之处在于CDO的抵押资产包含不同类型的债务。


Collateralized Debt Obligation. An asset-back security which uses a portfolio of bonds or loans as collateral, or security. A sponsor uses the portfolio to set up a special purpose investmentvehicle which issues securities or CDOs, sometimes with a higher credit rating than any of the individual underlying assets. There may be reduced transparency in assessing the underlying risks.

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