
You order a bottle of wine at a nice restaurant, and when it's opened, you sheepishly take a sip, not really sure of what you're doing. Here, some basic skills to help you pick up your glass with confidence the next time a sommelier pours you a taste.


1. Ditch the cork. Sniffing the cork tells your absolutely nothing. As long as the cork is intact and moist to the touch - this means the bottle was sealed tightly - it's good to go.

1. 扔掉瓶塞。随便你怎么闻,瓶塞也不能告诉你任何事情。只要瓶塞完好无损、摸起来也是湿湿的,那就意味着瓶里的酒密封得很好,可以放心饮用。

2. Pick up the stem or base of the glass. Proper etiquette calls for holding your wine glass by the stem or base to prevent the heat from your hands from warming up the wine. Taking the glass by the bowl for a moment, though, shouldn't dramatically affect the temperature.

2. 端起酒杯,手放在杯柄或是杯底。按照规矩,端杯子的时候应该把手放在杯柄或是杯底,免得手掌散发的热量让酒的温度升高。不过,如果你的手跟杯肚发生了短暂的接触,应该也不会对酒的温度造成很大的影响。

3. Swirl. Don't be afraid to really swirl your wine around in the glass. It allows the air to flow through, causing the flavors to wake up as the alcohol evaporates. Hold your glass either by the base or stem and start off slowly until you reach a good swirling momentum.

3. 晃一晃杯子。你不用担心什么,只管让酒在杯里晃来晃去。这样一来,空气就会涌入酒杯,酒香也会随着酒精的挥发而散发出来。你把手放在杯柄或者杯底,然后就可以开始晃杯子,速度从慢到快,直到杯子里的酒充份晃动起来为止。

4. Take a look. If your table is laid with a white tablecloth, tip your glass at a 45-degree angle and examine the wine's color and clarity against the white background. Just looking at a wine reveals plenty about its characteristics. As they age, red wines tend to develop an orange/brown tint, while white wines grow more golden. Older wines may also have some sediment, which doesn't damage the flavor. And as the wine runs down the side of the glass, the drops or 'legs' will tell you how alcoholic it is. The slower the drops run down the glass, the more alcoholic or 'heavy-bodied' the wine.

4. 观酒色。如果餐桌上铺的是白色的台布,你就可以把酒杯倾斜到45度角,借着白色的背景观察酒的颜色和透明度。光凭眼睛看,你就可以了解杯中酒的许多特性。随着年份的加长,红酒会染上一点橙色或者褐色的调子,白葡萄酒则会往金色的方向发展。年份长的酒还可能会有一些沉淀,酒的味道却不会因此受到什么影响。在酒顺着杯壁往下流的过程当中,所谓的"挂杯"现象可以让你知道酒的度数如何。挂杯现象越明显,酒的度数就越高,换句话说就是越"醇厚"。

5. Sniff the wine. Check first for 'cork taint,' a general term that describes wine that's spoiled, most often by a compound called TCA that adds a moldy, 'wet cardboard' smell. Once wine is 'corked,' it can't be fixed. Alert your sommelier immediately. In some cases, there may be especially funky wines that may or may not be corked. The best way to judge is if you've had that particular bottle before, and it tasted differently.

5. 闻酒香。首先要闻一闻,杯里的酒有没有发生"瓶塞污染"(cork taint),这个术语是说酒出了毛病,毛病的根源多数是一种名为三氯苯甲醚(TCA)的物质,它会让酒散发出一种类似于"湿纸板"的霉味。酒如果遭到了瓶塞的污染,那就只能说是无药可救。遇上这种情况,你必须立刻告诉斟酒服务生。有些酒本身就有特殊的霉味,受没受污染都是一样。这种情况之下,最好的鉴别方法就是看它有没有变味,前提则是你以前喝过那种酒。

6. Think mouthwash. You may look pretentious doing it, but take a decent-size sip from your glass and swirl it around - as you would a mouthwash. The wine should come in contact with all the surfaces in your mouth. Then suck in your wine through the front teeth - be careful it doesn't go down the wrong pipe - so that you can aerate the wine as you drink it and shoot the aromas straight to your nose. Try practicing with water for starters.

6. 模仿一下漱口的过程。这么做的时候,你可以会显得有点儿自命不凡,不过,你还是应该啜上一口份量适中的酒,让它在你的嘴里晃荡──就跟漱口一样。你得让酒接触到你的整个口腔。接下来,你得从门牙那里把酒吸进去──千万别把它吸到气管里──这样就可以让酒跟空气充份混合,让酒香直接进入你的鼻子。刚开始的时候,你可以拿水来进行练习。

Your final judgment on a wine depends on your own preference. Perhaps the bottle doesn't match your food, or you find it a bit too harsh on the tannins. Yes it's perfectly fine to send back wine that's not spoiled if you truly don't like it. Of course, that takes some confidence.


Amy Ma

Amy Ma