
When Linda Molnar developed pain in her legs that got worse when she walked even a short distance, doctors initially attributed it to an old back injury. But three years and many doctor visits later, a vascular specialist finally gave her the correct diagnosis last fall: peripheral artery disease.

当琳达•莫尔纳(Linda Molnar)有了腿疼的毛病,而且即便是走一小段路疼痛也会加剧的时候,医生们最初都认为这是由于她背部的旧伤引起的。但是,三年来在看了很多医生之后,一位血管病专家终于在去年秋天给出了正确的诊断结果:莫尔纳患的是外周动脉疾病。

Often referred to as poor circulation, peripheral artery disease, or PAD, is a potentially fatal blockage of large arteries in the legs caused by the same kind of fatty deposits or plaque that can build up in the coronary arteries leading to the heart. Between eight and 12 million Americans have PAD, federal data show. By some estimates, those ranks could double in the next decade as the population ages and as diabetes and obesity