
In the first few minutes of the new television show 'Nikita,' a masked bank robber shoots a witness. A suspect takes down a couple of police officers, and a trained killer in a skimpy red bikini breaks a mobster's neck with her bare hands.


What viewers won't see are shopping sprees, moneyed teenagers or flirty scenes with cute guys.


The show reflects new thinking among television networkexecutives: Their core audience -- female viewers -- want to see a woman take down the enemy, preferably with a little bloodshed along the way. The approach overturns years of belief that violent shows turn off women who prefer to watch earnest nurses, headstrong housewives or quirky career women.


Viewers who grew up with video games and Angelina Jolie action movies are driving the types of shows networks will debut this month and redefining how the classic TV heroine is portrayed. On Sept. 9 the CW network will debut 'Nikita,' about a rogue assassin, played by Maggie Q. In the coming weeks NBC will premiere 'Chase' about U.S. Marshal Annie Frost and 'Undercovers' about a husband-and-wife spy team. In July USA introduced 'Covert Affairs' about a 28-year-old CIA trainee who speaks six languages.

玩着电玩游戏、看着安吉丽娜•朱莉(Angelina Jolie)动作电影长大的观众正在影响着各大电视网本月即将上演的电视剧类型,并重新定义着电视荧屏上的经典女主角形象。哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网(CW network)在9月9日推出了新剧《尼基塔》,该剧讲述的是一个冷酷女杀手的故事,由Maggie Q担当主演。在未来几周内,全国广播公司电视网(NBC network)将推出以美国女警探安妮•弗罗斯特(Annie Frost)为原型的《缉凶》(Chase)和讲述一对特工夫妇故事的《秘谍夫妻》(Undercovers)。7月,USA电视网推出了电视剧《谍影迷情》(Covert Affairs),讲的是一名会讲六国语言的28岁中情局初级特工的故事。

Ever since TV began as a way to sell detergent to housewives, networks have tried to stay in tune with changing preferences among women, who watch more TV than men. Female characters evolved from June Cleaver to Murphy Brown and Ally McBeal.

自从电视开始成为向家庭主妇推销清洁剂的平台,电视网就一直努力与女性观众──她们比男性花费更多的时间来看电视──不断变化的欣赏趣味保持一致。女性角色也逐渐从完美的家庭主妇琼•克莉佛(June Cleaver)、坚强的电视记者墨菲•布朗(Murphy Brown)演变到了甜心俏佳人艾莉•麦比尔(Ally McBeal)。

The networks need to refresh their lineup of dramas for women as several big shows are aging. In the season that ended in May, 12.5 million viewers watched 'Desperate Housewives' each week down from 23.4 million in 2004. 'Grey's Anatomy' and 'Gossip Girl' have also declined in popularity, Nielsen says.

由于多部热门电视剧正在进入老化阶段,美国各电视网需要为女性观众推出新剧。尼尔森市场研究公司(Nielsen)称,在截至5月的电视季中,《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)的每周观看人数从2004年的2,340万下降到了1,250万。《实习医生格蕾》(Grey's Anatomy)和《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)的受欢迎程度也有所降低。

That's prompted networks to dig deeper into the femalepsyche. Last spring, the CW network, known for such soapy female-targeted shows as 'Gossip Girl' and '90210,' which follow the trials of privileged youth in Manhattan and Beverly Hills, respectively, commissioned a nation-wide study into what women in their 20s and 30s want. More than 60% of the network's viewers are women, mostly between the ages 18 to 34.


Market researchers asked groups of 10 to 12 women gathered at local coffee shops or a friend's house as well as in traditional focus groups in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, and Denver to make collages of magazine images they liked. They chose Jennifer Aniston paddle boarding over actresses lying on the beach in bikinis. They preferred absinthe and beer to wine or fruity pink cocktails and gravitated to toned athletes in fitness magazines over models in evening gowns.

市场调查员把受调查女性分成不同的小组,每组10到12个人,并让她们在纽约、洛杉矶、芝加哥、亚特兰大和丹佛的咖啡馆里、朋友家中或者传统的座谈小组上集合,选出喜欢的杂志图片。有更多的人选择了正在玩立式单桨冲浪的珍妮弗•安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston),而不是身着比基尼躺在沙滩上的女明星。她们喜欢苦艾酒和啤酒胜过葡萄酒或者粉红色的果味鸡尾酒,喜欢健身杂志上身材健硕的运动员胜过穿着晚礼服的模特。

They also thought men had gotten wimpier and associated the opposite sex with the bumbling losers played by Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen in recent romantic comedies. 'It was obvious that these women feel like they have to take charge and be the hero,' says Jane Buckingham, president of Trendera, the market research and trend forecasting firm that conducted the study.

同时,她们还认为男性变得更加软弱无能,把他们和乔纳•希尔(Jonah Hill)和塞斯•罗根(Seth Rogen)在新近上映的浪漫喜剧中所扮演的笨手笨脚的蹩脚家伙联系到一起。负责这项研究的Trendera市场调查和趋势预测公司总裁白金汉(Jane Buckingham)表示,很明显,这些女性觉得她们必须要掌控局面、成为英雄,"负责这项针对女性心理研究的市场调查和趋势预测公司Trendera总裁简•白金汉(Jane Buckingham)表示。

Action shows are hard to pull off, and any overly brutal scenes that could be perceived as gratuitous will turn off female viewers, networkexecutives say. There's also a kitsch factor to worry about. TV works with much smaller budgets than movies. With viewers accustomed to seeing slick, expensive stunts and computer-generated enhancements, anything less can look campy.


'In TV you need to shade it so you see the human aspect,' says Matt Corman, an executiveproducer of 'Covert Affairs.' In that show, CIA trainee Annie Walker narrowly escapes certain death when a nearby informant is killed, and then goes to a dinner party at her sister's house. Such moments make viewers okay with action in their living rooms each week, he says. 'You never saw James Bond file a tax return.'

《谍影迷情》的执行制片科尔曼(Matt Corman)表示,在电视剧中,你需要弱化这些部分,突出人性的一面。在《谍影迷情》中,中央情报局初级特工安妮•沃克(Annie Walker)在线人被杀后大难不死,紧接着她就跑去姐姐家参加晚宴。这样的剧情可以让每周在客厅里看电视剧的观众接受动作片。他还说,你没见过詹姆士•邦德(James Bond)报税的情节吧。

In 'Undercovers,' special agent Samantha Bloom runs a Los Angeles catering business, when she's not chasing down Russian arms dealers in exotic locales. 'It's less superhero-y and more, 'Oh my God,' I can relate to this person and now she's beating the hell out of someone,' says executiveproducer Josh Reims.

在《秘谍夫妻》中,特工萨曼莎•布鲁姆(Samantha Bloom)不在异国他乡追踪俄罗斯军火贩子的时候,便在洛杉矶经营一家餐馆。执行制片兰斯(Josh Reims)说,那不是超级英雄干的事情,观众会说,我的天哪,我和这个人有共同点,她现在正把坏蛋打得落花流水呢。

To create a drama about U.S. Marshals, writer Jennifer Johnson says she thought about her 4-year-old daughter. Even though her daughter is too young to watch, she wanted to create role models for young women and decided to make the lead a Texas-based Marshal named Annie Frost. Played by petite blonde Kelli Giddish, Frost wears blue jeans and cowboy boots and takes down fugitives twice her size.

作家珍妮弗•约翰逊(Jennifer Johnson)说,之所以要写一部关于美国警探的剧本,是因为想到了自己4岁的女儿。尽管女儿年纪太小还看不懂电视剧,但她还是希望为年轻女性塑造一些榜样,第一个目标锁定在了得克萨斯州一位名叫安妮•弗罗斯特的女警探身上。由身材娇小的金发美女凯莉•吉蒂什(Kelli Giddish)扮演的弗罗斯特身穿蓝色牛仔裤,脚蹬牛仔靴,打败了身材比她高大一倍的逃犯。

'She's such a kick a-- character,' Ms. Giddish said, on a break from shooting on location in Dallas in 100 degree heat. She had recently completed a stunt (with no double) that involved jumping onto the wing of a moving crop duster.


Network executives regularlycommission market research to find out what types of characters viewers like or dislike. They'll often come up with one character type one season -- and something completely different the next.


TV has experimented with action heroines in the past with shows like 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Alias,' but those shows largely avoided anything too gritty. 'Nikita' executiveproducer Craig Silverstein says he was hesitant when TV studio Warner Bros. asked him to re-imagine 'Nikita,' inspired by the French film 'La Femme Nikita' which also spawned U.S. movie 'Point of No Return' and a 1997 series on the USA network.

此前的电视剧《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)和《双面女间谍》(Alias)尝试过动作女英雄的形象,但是都在很大程度上回避了一些过于勇猛的描写。《尼基塔》的执行制片西尔弗斯坦(Craig Silverstein)说,当华纳兄弟公司(Warner Bros.)电视部门让他根据法国电影《尼基塔女郎》(La Femme Nikita)重新拍摄《尼基塔》时,他有些犹豫不决。美国电影《双面女蝎星》(Point of No Return)和USA电视网1997年的一部电视剧也是自《尼基塔女郎》改编而来。
