

  -- By Walter de la Mare

  Slowly, silently, now the moon

  Walks the night in her silver shoon;

  This way, and that, she peers, and sees

  Sliver fruit upon silver trees;

  One by one the casements catch

  Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;

  Couched in his kennel, like a log,

  With paws of silver sleeps the dog;

  From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep

  Of doves in a silver-feathered sleep;

  A harvest mouse goes scampering by,

  With silver claws, and silver eye;

  And motionless fish in the water gleam,

  By silver reeds in a silver stream.


  银 白

  月 神 着 素 履,

  轻 悄 飘 环 宇。

  偶 然 窥 果 园,

  果 实 白 如 玉。

  茅 屋 凝 霜 雪,

  窗 棂 银 光 聚。

  柴 门 无 犬 吠,

  悠 然 美 梦 居。

  白 鸽 梦 中 觑,

  清 辉 照 银 羽。

  玉 鼠 奔 如 电,

  银 光 映 眼 眸。

  芦 苇 白 似 雪,

  鱼 儿 不 潜 游。  


文章标签:诗歌  英语诗歌